
Read in paper, average age 4 girls' menses is 10yrs. My daughter is 9. any suggestions how to broach subject?

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Read in paper, average age 4 girls' menses is 10yrs. My daughter is 9. any suggestions how to broach subject?




  1. I sat my daughter down, told her that when she is a bit older she must not be scared when she see's a stain on her panty as it is something that happens when you become a woman. I also  told her if it should happen at school to go straight to their nurse at school and she will help her. My girls understood and they were not scared at all.

    I on the other hand had nobody to tell me these things, my Mom just never spoke to us about s*x etc and the day it happened to me i was alone in the house and was crying my heart out until my big sister got home and told me that it was natural. Good luck and i wish you well.:)

  2. i would just start with

    you know soon there are going to be some changes in your body that are totally normal and a part of growing up

    then hopefully it will just flow.

  3. there is an americaan girl book about this stuff and buy it and it will help it is tolttally appropriate

  4. By  a book aimed at for kids, leave it on her bed and tell her to come to you with any questions x

  5. You will be surprised my mum started her periods at 9 !

    But i have to be honest my daughter is 10 and has known a little about periods from the age of 8 she knows everything about them i told her about why they happen and what happens during a period. She now understands if she sees anything now not to be frightened just to come and tell me and we will sort it out together ,

  6. Find a time when you're both chilled at home and tell her you want to explain a little about it or answer any questions she might have.  Show her some products she can use and tips on what to do if at school and it happens etc.  And tell her it could happen anytime from here until she's 18 ~(I know it's more rare but I wouldn't want my daughter feeling weird if by 12 everyone else has started except her).

  7. It depends on what kind of relationship you have with your daughter. If you feel you can talk about anything then sit her down and just tell her what she can expect and that if she has any questions or isn't sure of anything that she can always come to you for help and that she should never be embarased. If she (or you for that matter) fins talking abit awkward you could always write her a letter and leave it on her bed. Then afew days later if she hasn't mentioned it just say "did you get my letter?" and when she says yes just ask her if she has any questions.

    If you decide to talk it through with her, you could start off by getting a little "kit" together for her - a box with tampons, towels, panty liners, pain killers and a hot water bottle. Then sit down when you have some privacy and say "I got you this, do you know what they're for?" Then see how much she already knows (you'd be surprised!) and then go from there. My mum did this for me and I was so grateful (especially for the painkillers and the hot water bottle!) Having her own painkillers will mean that she doesn't have to ask for them if she's embarrased or have to worry that someone might see her taking them from the family medicine cabinet and ask her what it's for!.

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