
Read read read read read please :D?

by  |  earlier

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okay. my cousins r over , & i have no idea how to entertain them.

one of them is 9 & the other one is 7.

its night time over here right now. & they wanna play a game.

what should i do !!




  1. Play hide and seek LOL or tell ghost stories? or.... tell eachother stories or jokes or whatever or go on youtube and watch some funny videos hehe :D lol x

  2. read them a story or give them a snack and put them to bed cause they should be sleepy now

  3. Depending what time at night it is over there hun .

    If its too late try explain to them it is time for bed so they are fresh and rested for tommorrows games they will play :) .

    Bribary sometimes works with mine sometimes not lol .

    If its not too late play the guessing game , Its easy to do and FREE !!! lol . Pick objects to write down on sticky pads each person sticks one to the others head , The aim is to guess what you are by asking yes or no questions only .

    Keeps my cousins entertained for hours !.

    If all fails dvd time lol .

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