
Read this one carefully, if i have no drivers license, but due to the car i was driving was in a wreck?

by  |  earlier

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due to "defective equipment" meaning the brakes of the car after the owner having her dad put brakes on her car recently, and did so wrong obviously, causing the brakes to literally just not work as i was coming down hill towards a stop sign to stop b/c there were 3 full moving lanes of traffic that the stop sing intersection leads to, but no brakes so instead of stopping te car kept going, and somehow i managed to miss the 1st lane, dodge the UPS in the 2nd lane, but couldn't manuver thru the 3rd lane t-boning basically a bronco, and then being spun around before stopping. i was transported by ambulance(only 1) to ER and i'm basically fine, noone else injured, and the ONLY things that the officer on seen gave me was 1 for no operators, and 1 for defective equipment-thats all i was sited for, can i not file some kinda something against car owner for her defective equipment almost taking my sons mother away from him forever? In Wod Co. WV any ideas anyone?




  1. OH MY./..consult the legal authorities..

  2. No, since no one was injured, no harm, also, you had no business behind that wheel if no driver's license. You or your parents, depending on the law, or even the person who let you drive the car can be sued for repairs on the wrecked vechiles that you had caused, reguardless of why. You are so lucky that nobody was injured. I hope the others had unisured mororists protection on their vechiles. I am glad tthat you are alright. I would forget about any suing because it just may come back to bite you in the butt causing you allot of money.

  3. From everything that I could find concerning your situation the answer is no, also as everyone has stated at this point I would be more concerned with what is going to happen to you when you are sued in court, contact a lawyer and ask them, remember the first visit is free.

    Good luck

  4. well in California you could of been arrested for not having a drivers license and being in an accident and if you didn't have insurance even worse,and the owner of the car could be liable for whatever damages you may have  caused ,property,medical bills.I'm not sure if the judge will be aware that you were in an accident,you may just get fined for no drivers license,the other charge,you may have to show the vehicle was repaired and inspected and it may be dismissed or fine your main worry is the guy in the bronco is he or his insurance company may sue you or the person who owns the car you were driving,unfortunately you cant sue anybody because you were unlicensed and you shouldn't of been driving to begin with be more careful in future could of been worse.

  5. Since you have no license and I assume no insurance of your own, there's nothing for you to recover (as far as insurance is concerned) since you weren't a passenger but the driver of the owner's car.  Also, you said you weren't injured so you can't claim for injury when you don't have any.  The only thing I see here is the ambulance fee.  The no license thing is a separate issue and if this is your first offense, you will most likely pay a fine.

    There is, however, a possibility of you getting sued by the driver of the vehicle you hit and if this happens, you can then argue that the car's breaks were defective and you had no way of knowing this when you took it for a spin.  You will then have to go after the owner of the vehicle you were driving and recover the fees you have had to pay "If" you get sued.

  6. What were you driving didn't have a license.....your license ..... don't drive....take a cab....take a bus...take a hike....folks are always trying to blame someone else when they get in trouble.

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