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i have a bunny(stuffed) that i cant sleep without and im 13 is this weird?




  1. Not at all! Let me admit something to you. I'm nearly 19 years old and still sleep with a little stuffed dog that I was given when I was a baby. It's something that is comforting. I'm taking a class in college and my teacher told me that children, as well as teenagers, and even adults like to have the things that have always been a source of comfort. I know that when I was a young child I would "tell my dog all my worries" and "he" seemed almost like my best friend. I like having him still because it seems to me like he has been my "friend" all these years.

    Crazy as it may sound, if it is something that provides you with a sense of comfort, sleep with it! I don't think it's weird at all!

  2. you are never to old for anything! i still sleep with my stuffed pets! who cares... as long as that works for me the best!

  3. Don't Feel ashamed! I am just like you! We have bunnies and were proud! But it may be a little embarassing for me.

  4. Nah its not weird.  Your at the age now where your still a child, but considered a p*****n.  It can be a confusing time and you still want to do child like things, but have the fear of what others will think about you.  13 is a hard age.  But sleeping with a stuff animal isn't at all weird.

  5. no not at all many people have the same problem well its not really a problem i think you just had it for a long time and you really love it so its no problem relax
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