
Reading Comprehension...?

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Which of the following best expresses the essential informaiton in the highlighted sentence ?

highlighted sentence = wheat is planted to a limited extent as a forage crop for livestock

a) Wheat is planted to increase crops and livestock

b)Some wheat is planted for farm animals to eat.

c)Wheat can be found on farms with animals

d) Many farms plant less wheat if they have animals

"Wheat is widely cultivated as a cash crop because it produces a good yield per unit area"

a)high productivity of wheat makes people grow a lot of it for progit

b)wheat is widely grown in places where people need lots of cash

c)wheat must be grown over a wide space, which costs a lot

d)wheat is the most abundant cash crop in the world




  1. 1. b

    2. a

  2. B: Some wheat is planted for farm animals to eat.  

    I chose this one because it said only a limited amount of wheat is planted, and that it is planted as food for livestock.  Therefore, some wheat (a limited extent) is planted, for farm animals ( livestock) to eat (as a forage crop).

    EDIT: I didn't notice the second one, but I agree that it's A.

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