
Reading about the girl imprisoned by her Dad in Austria?

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and also the other one kidnapped and kept in a cellar. Do you think the Austrians are just cruel people or could it happen anywhere?




  1. Guess its a bit of the WWII leftover evil spirit and I am sure gruesome events happen everywhere, its just what the media chooses to report.

  2. evil abounds every where and the biggest instigators are ARE MEN

  3. all over the world there are cruel mentaly sick people only a psyciatrist could answer your question

  4. it is probably a daily occurance all over the world but the fact that 2 else 3 high profile cases have come out of Austria recently is bound to create speculation that the Austrians are "cruel monsters"

  5. Similar cruel (for me mad) people exist all over the world.

    It's terrible! So many years in cellar!

  6. It happens every where, this is just a particularly nasty case.

    Its not the WWII evil spirit, its the fact that the people still don't feel comfortable reporting things to the police. As they still feel as though they would be compared with the n**i informers and then disowned by their community.

  7. I read all about it.. It is a terrible story but it can happen everywhere in the world.. There is good and evil everywhere.. you just have to follow the news and today it's a big headline about this guy in Austria and he is a monster beyond belief but I am sure not all Austrians are bad that would be stereotyping a nationality of people.. and that would not be right.. there are crazy lunatics in USA, and Europe and all places of the world.. Today this news is making big headlines but one day it will be replaced by a crime even worse...It is awful what this woman had to endure for 24 years and that from her own father...and one of her daughters so ill in hospital and the others... I don't believe they will ever be able to get over this ordeal.. they did not see sunlight for a long time some of them never. .. this guy deserves death penalty but unfortunately he will go to jail for 15 years and as he is now 73 years old he will die there... that is the end.. I would in cases like this see more severe punishment were pedophiles are concerned but he won't have an easy time in prison.. once he is formally charged and sentenced then he will have all privileges taken from him at present no sentence has been passed so he is even allowed to watch tv .. but not after sentence has been passed and then  even the cut throats and murderers will like to make mince meat out of him because even amongst criminals nobody is as much hated as pedophiles.. so he will be in h**l when he is in prison and his only safety is to give him total isolation otherwise someone will make an attempt on his life pretty soon.. but evil exists everywhere in the world just the same as good does..  This girl was put into the cellar by her father when she was only 18 he raped her continuously. She had no way to fend him off.. she never consented but what could she do against a monster like him.. he had her and her children in his power

    Rochelle is making a fool of herself with her stupid remark. the woman was browbeaten and brainwashed after years of darkness. She lost all will to live.. She let him do with her what he wanted .. No rape victim ever consents.. he might have threatened to kill one of her children or threated to rape one of her daughters if she had not given in to him.. after 24 years in a bunker one has no will of ones own left and it is a trauma for every girl or woman to get raped.. Rachelle is a fool to say such absolutley nonsensical rubbish.. if it had happend to hear she would talk in a different tune our Queen and expert on Royal matters xxxx

  8. Austrians are no better,no worse,than any other race.Evil is found in many places,not one or two particular areas.It rears its ugly head wherever warped mankind lives.

  9. I think it could have been anywhere.

    I don't believe that he did any of it because of the war, his childhood or any of the other cr*p he has blamed.

    Some people are just evil. He must have had siblings but none of them have become notorious for being sadistic perverts & they, like millions of others, had the same lives as him.

  10. it could happen and has happened ( though in variances) around the world.....

    you had Fred and Rosemary West in England.... and while not quite the same story .. you had Jeffery Dahmer and others in the USA...

    evil lurks in the hearts of all men( ie humans ) .. only a rare few act with it to this extent ....  

    being Austrian had little to do with it .. although if this man is clever .. he might try and blame his behaviour on something that happened to him during the war when he was a young boy ...... BUT it would JUST be an excuse... not a reason.

    EDIT :RACHELL .. the case that you wrote of is Australian .. and as perverse as that is ... one thing is that is was consensual which may sicken you and I .. BUT there was NO VIOLENCE involved .. just a couple of people who are VERY questionable in their behaviour and the poor kids involved .. SICK but on a different level

    this story broke BEFORE the Austrian case was found out ... but obviously didn't make the news in the USA UNTIL afterwards

  11. Yes, I must agree with the other answerers, this kind of thing happens in many places around the world, with variations.

    The Austrian case has attracted a lot of attention because it is so bizarre and went on for so long without anyone having any knowledge of it, including others living in the house.

    Unfortunately, there are people everywhere in the world who choose to make victims of others, including their own children.

    Best wishes :-)

  12. It is disturbing to learn that a father would do such a thing to his own daughter, however, it is more disturbing when a daughter actually "consent the incest." Apparently, after the news of the "Austrian incest case" became international news, another Austrian man came forth with his daughter on television to admit an incestuous relationship which has produced two children.

    The couple told 60 Minutes that they fell in love in 2000 when they "discovered each other later in life." The father had left the family home when his daughter, Jenny was a baby, and did not see her again for 30 years. John Deaves, 61, appeared on the 60 Minutes show with daughter Jenny, 39, and their child -- nine-month-old Celeste.

    The Austrian judge banned the couple from having s*x with each other, but released them on a three-year, $460 good behavior bond. Court transcripts also revealed their first child died in 2001 from a congenital heart disorder.

    Read the full article and the video of the interview at

    Note: Prevalence of parental child sexual abuse is difficult to assess due to secrecy and privacy, some estimates show 20 million Americans have been victimized by parental incest as children. Research indicates that 46 percent (46%) of children who are raped are victims of family members. Eleven percent (11%) of rape victims are raped by their fathers or step-fathers, and another 16 percent (16%) are raped by other relatives.

  13. It could, and does, happen anywhere.  I think we need to wonder why it seems to happen in more, for lack of a better term, developed nations.  Maybe its just that our media is more inclined to report the sordid details since we read them like literary crack.  I'm not sure how often this type of horrific atrocity happens in developing nations, or nations with religions other than christianity as the predominant belief system.  That would be an interesting socio-psychological study.

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