
Reading festival 08?

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I'm studing in Newcastle,

and I'd love Metallica for many years!

the Leeds festival had sold out the ticket!

now I would like to know,is Reading far away from newcastle?how can I get to reading ?

and I'm from asia,is that dangerous if an asia girl go to the festival alone?

and please tell me the exactly address of reading festival please!!!!




  1. reading is near london, so pretty far. you should go with someone else.

  2. It would be very irresponsible of you to go to a festival alone.

    Don't do it.

    Yes, you can purchase a day ticket just for the day Metallica play, the main gig finishes around 11pm. There will be coach firms in your area who will do day tickets with travel to and from the venue, all inclusive. This is much safer than relying on public transport as the coach driver will wait for all passengers to board before he leaves, also he will be able to pick up at a point directly outside the venue.

    Please though, take someone with you. It can be a bewildering and scary place to be alone and although most people are exremely friendly, sadly there are some 'bad 'uns' out there.

    Good luck, have fun and be safe!

    PS Also Reading is VERY far from Newcastle. It is a long coach ride - maybe 5 hours - just from Newcastle to Nottingham, so you are looking about 7 hours total, maybe more for stops and pick ups. but it will be well worth it. It will be a long day, but you will remember it forever!
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