
Reading it OVER and Over and OVER again (Twlight saga)?

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I'd like answers from Twilight lovers/likers/not haters only.

I'm almost done with Breaking Dawn, and I'm waiting for Midnight Sun (YES.) and the movie. But, until then, I'm thinking about just reading the saga over and over and over again until the movie/midnight sun ect. Come out.

Is this a good idea? And, if you didn't do this, what'd you do to fill the void?





  1. wow.

    get some friends maybe?

  2. the only books im gonna read over and over is the Harry Potter Series

  3. lol

    i am doing that right now!!

    i just finish breaking dawn and now i am reading the twilight series all over again...and again...and again...and again...just waiting for the movie to come out on november 21!! and midnight sun...i don't think that i will read it over and over again to wait for midnight sun cause if i do, i think that i will get tired of it and i don't want that to happend lol ;)

  4. I re-read a lot of books. But I don't see the point in obsessively re-reading only certain books and not reading anything else. That seems obsessive and unhealthy to me.

    There have been occasions when I turned around and re-read a book right after I finished it the first time because it was so damned good. But I think re-reading works better if you let some time go by first, and read other things before coming back to that particular book or series. You see a lot more. It's also a bit like going home again after being away for a while, exploring other places--the familiarity is nice. But re-reading nothing but the same book or series is like never leaving the house at all.

    There have been some good recommendations made on this thread for other books. Right now, I'm reading Scott Westerfeld's Uglies series (I'm almost done with Specials) and I almost couldn't put them down, they're so good.

    Or another thing you could do is read the books that influenced SMeyer, then go back and read the Twilight series. There's a list of authors and books on this thread:

  5. Wow! Well the minute i finished Breaking Dawn I started Twilight again! I don't know why but I had a feeling I wanted to read it again! I really like it!

  6. I have not personally read the books so I am not a liker or hater but my daughter has..... I have encouraged her to read other books. There are countless books out there that you would enjoy just as much.

  7. NO IT IS NOT A GOOD IDEA.  My cousin read the Saga over and over again 8 times when she was waiting for Breaking Dawn.  She was TOTALLY OBSESSED and her sanity was leaving her.  She couldn't think of anything else.  She started doing this in June and she's still reading them again.  When I was rereading the Saga while waiting for Breaking Dawn (only once), I became infected by this Twilight insanity disease.  After finishing Breaking Dawn, I decided on a Twilight-cleansing series.  I am now reading Artemis Fowl, and after that I will move on to other fairy tales to purge the Twilight remnants from my mind.  You seem to be suffering from Twilightitis, so I would recommend a similar treatment, otherwise your brain will be taken over by Twilight, just as my cousin's brain was.  

    Reading over the answers, I would diagnose that approximately 50% of your responders have the same condition.

  8. it is totaly ok to read it over and over again cuz if you read like really late at night you sometimes are so tierd if youo re read it you can see things you missed before

  9. I read other series like

    Blue bloods Series

    Witch Season Series

    House of Night series

    Witch Series

    How to be popular

    Maximum ride series

  10. haha its okay thats exactly what im doing but dont revolve your life around it. the first time i read the series i read it none stop but nowe i just read it when i get bored and find other stuff to do like homework or t.v or hang out with friends. sometimes i read other books too -you should try the series vampire beach. you should also mainly read twilight in bed at night time before you go to sleep so you have something to look forward to all day or just read it when your bored.


  11. If you'd like to, maybe reread the series once more after you're finished with Breaking Dawn, but no more after that. You can always look back through them right before Midnight Sun is released. You have over a year before Midnight Sun--no matter how much you love Twilight, it is just not healthy for someone to reread a book that many times.

    I was in your stage--after I finished Eclipse. You honestly just lose that vital interest after a while.

    Read something else. Right now I'm tackling my way through Harry Potter. I'm not obsessed like I was with Twilight, but it definitely keeps me busy and distracted. There are a million romance novels out there if you like love stories, and also a ton of vampire/supernatural books. Hunt around at your library.

    Twilight is only going to get less and less enriching with every read if you do it that complusively.  

  12. Tehe, I'm not that into the books, but good luck with that. I'd think that they'd get boring after reading them once....  

  13. i am doing the same thing lol! i never get tired of the books! but i had to squeeze in books for school lol! but i am still reading them over and over and over again! my parents always laugh at me about it!

  14. i do love to re-read books it never gets old. but until then you could read some other books...

    here are some fantasy fiction books. many adventures. some have adult content and most have love stories!

    the golden compass (and sequels)

    enders game (also more sequels)

    the chronicles of narnnia! (of course)

    lord of the rings

    howl's moving castle


    there that's like 30 books you can read.

  15. haha! i've been doing this for the past couple of months..but if i were you i would just read the whole series over like once and then read some other books! you don't want to just read the same books your whole matter how AMAZING it is! but you can reread it like once...i can't wait for all the twilight stuff coming out!!! hope this helps!

  16. I love the series, but I think that this is a little extreme.  Try reading some other books in the period of waiting.  You will be amazed at how many great books exist outside of the Twilight universe.

    Maybe read some of the books and plays that are mentioned in the series.


    Romeo and Juliet--Shakespeare

    A Midsummer Night's Dream--Shakespeare

    The Merchant of Venice--Shakespeare

    Wuthering Heights--Emily Bronte

    Empire--Orson Scott Card

    There are others, but this is all I had on the top of my mind.

  17. thats probably not good for your mental health

    id recommend reading other book. there r plenty of good books out there

  18. That's what I have been doing.  I just can't stand to wait till Midnight Sun, so I started reading Twilight, again, for like the 7th time, and it really helps me fill the void.  I love rereading the books, and finding little things that you didn't notice before.  You should go to Stephenie Meyers sight, and read the first Chapter of Midnight Sun, then read Bella's first day of school, and compare them.  It is really funny to do!  Oh and if you haven't already, go to Stephenie's sight, and read her outtakes from the books.  It makes it easier to wait.  Hope I helped :).

  19. You know I kinda have a problem like that too. I cant stop thinking abput the Twilight saga, but like Metro Station said, maybe you should get some friends, or just watch a TV show. (At least thats wat I did to distract me)

    The Twilight saga wasnt coming outta my head but I found the show "The Secret Life of The American Teenager" so I'm fine now.

    Hope I helped!!

  20. personally i hate reading books twice, but this is a series i would DEFINITELY read over and over again. the thing is some people say that once they read it again the book seems cliché and stupid. i don't want to view my favourite series that way. but, others say they loved it more every time they read it, so i really don't know which is correct. i am afraid to risk it though!

  21. You need a life

    Or at least a hobby

  22. i am re-reading all the books until the movi comes out in November (they pushed the release date up from december 12 to november 21!!!!!!) so i do think its a good idea

  23. Yes its a wonderful idea...

    I finished all the books in four days...and then read them over again thrre times....It helps you get things that you missed before and also helps you understnad the books better than the first time :D

  24. lol omg i'm waiting for those too! i read it over and over cuz i always find little things that i might have missed befrore lol or like little things i might not have remembered, but thats just me :)

  25. welll since ive already read eacher book 10 times and i know the saga by heart reading it over and over will do no good for me so in the meantime i plan on discussing it waiting out the movie and starting another vamp. series marked chosen betrayed. then blue bloods and so on:]

  26. I like the Twilight series but there are just so many amazing books out there that can be read. Life's too short to be stuck on one thing. It's ok to reread but doing it over and over and over again? That's like eating steak every single day, eventually you'll lose the taste and you'll forget why you liked steak so much. Same with Twilight, eventually you'll lose the meaning and you'll forget why you liked it so much. Go read some other books. Reading is good! Go to your local librarian and tell them the types of books you like I'm sure they'll be able to recomend some good stuff for you.

  27. I read the first three books twice in a couple of weeks, but I've only read Breaking Dawn once.  However, I read pretty fast.

    There are SO many good books out there -- don't limit yourself to Twilight!  

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