
Reading on here the U.S. is obviously in a terrible state; should we arrange to send them food parcels?

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Aaron D: How dare you attack British culinary skills! Have you never tried *******?




  1. The USA has a fine history of cannibalism.The Donner pass party to name one such feast.Also Hannibal Lecter  did make the consumption of human flesh popular up there on the celluloid screen.So I'd say let them eat the rich before we help them and may I say to General Patton you charged us for all the help you gave us back then and we paid it back and if it wasn't for Russian blood being spilled by the millions we would all be walking like we had one t******e.The USA is consuming it's self in it's voracious greed and is in it's death throes like all the 1st world countries are today so the sons and daughters of Jeffrey Dahmer are now sharpening up their cutting implements and no gated community shall hold them back.

  2. And if somebody doesn't like it, they'll sue you.

  3. Yes, please. And condoms.

  4. Given the level of poverty and hunger in the U.S., yes.  In Houston metropolitan area alone, as many as 500,000 people are hungry each day.  In parts of Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona, individuals have never, in their lives, had food to meet the recommended daily allowance of vitamins, minerals or calories.

  5. sure go ahead

  6. You can arrange it but I wont be holding my breath.  The world community often makes arrangements to assist the United States in a variety of endeavors, but it seldom leads to anything meaningful.  With the worlds track record of helping America, only the British are likely to send anything and its not like they are known for their culinary ability or for even having a sense of taste for that matter, so if it comes to that I am certainly not looking forward to it.

  7. A few years in another country would be a lesson

  8. If you like, do it.

  9. You mean the parcels that US citizens have already sent or paid for in your country?

  10. your gonna' send food?

    from England?

    no thank you...

    my wife feeds me regularly and exceptionally...from many things we make/grow/kill even...

    i figure, if the grocery stores close up, ill have MANY  options before i resort to british food...

    thank you for the offer though

    now playing:memories - bringing down broadway

  11. arent' we fat enough already

  12. That would be nice, but send money instead, and I'll buy what I need. :)

  13. rofl Food isn't the problem. The idiots in charge of the country are the problem.

    (this next part is mostly a joke)

    If you want to help us, send planes to drop pamphlets of information on how republicans are evil and democrats are a better party, then bomb the political centers, arm our democratic citizens with everything we need to fight each other, then steal our oil while we're too busy fighting each other. Say that you are liberating the citizens and stopping the government from developing photon torpedos that we intend to fire on Mexico. Oh and the moon is actually our attempt at building the death star, hence all the space missions that went up there. You can't find the death star elements of the moon because it is moving around in orbit and your telescopes can't move fast enough to search the surface. The moon didn't always move. The republicans made it happen so you would have a harder time finding the weapons. This works great! I mean, look how well it works when we do that for Iraq!

    Oh and in your own country, emphasize the idea that it doesn't matter what you know as long as you have a college degree that costs more a year than some people make before taxes, then  charge horrible interest rates on the loans. Dangle a dream of having a really nice house in front of people, then jack up the price of the house a year into the contract to something nobody can afford. Talk about the importance of ending racism and sexism, then use them as the major parts of elections, further validating their existance.

    This is the kind of thinking that goes on in our government and is the reason why we are in such bad shape.

    No, if we are having problems like that, it is our own fault. There are plenty of resources for everyone. Some people just don't want to share, and some have predicted that since the wealthy are getting greedy, just like how the French Revolution got started, there will be another civil war in the US to get rid of the greedy rich people and ban things like outsourcing and automation. I would be surprised if that actually happened, but who knows.

    Thank you for the sentiment, though!

  14. Sorry hun, we simply can't afford the fuel to get the parcels there!

  15. when it's our turn to be down, there won't be any help coming, because the rest of the world is not like us. and, they have always been jealous of what we did in 200 years that they couldn't do in 2000 years, so, they'll be happy to see us go down. what they don't realize is, we won't be there to help them the next time Germany starts marching. too bad we have so many traitors among us, who'll sell their mother for a few dollars.

  16. haha thanks for the laugh... :)

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