
Reading ordinairy playing cards as tarot cards, HOW DO I DO IT???

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I want to learn how to read ordinary playing cards as tarot cards, how do i set it up and what do the cards mean amd what are the things that are like "what to expect,the home" and what are the rest of them thanks!!!




  1. I don't think you can. All the tarot cards have symbolism attached to them. Every card has its own message which you cannot achieve with ordinary cards.

  2. i do know that each card has a relationship to the suits in a tarot deck . . . i'm making this up/guessing (you can go get any tarot book/google it and find the right answers, but this is just an example)




    spades- wands

    the basic meanings you may have to look up, but both decks, playing and tarot have the same backgrounds if you look far enough back.

    good luck

  3. Clubs == Wands, personal power and authority

    Hearts == Cups, s*x, love, emotions generally

    Spades == Swords, knowledge, and studies etc

    Diamonds == Coins, money also communications

    The court cards represent people.

    Consult Waite or Crowley on the meanings of the numbers.

    The Joker stands for all of the trumps.

    Very briefly. There are many other systems.


  4. You can't.  

    For one main reason, there are basically 5 suits to a Tarot deck.  A set of playing cards have 4.  And there is an extra face card per suit

    There is an old joke from Kevin Klein about playing solitaire with a Tarot deck and the next door neighbors' cat dies...

    Oh, and I forgot.  Some lore states that you must steal your first Tarot deck from a currently practicing Tarot Diviner.  Of course, if you get caught, you will face the wrath of the Tarot...

    Just stick to using a regular deck of cards for regular card games.

  5. it quite difficult to substitute ordinary playing cards with tarot cards. I tried to do it also. Its hard. Believe me. So I suggest that you buy a book of tarot card reading and decide from there on what to do.

    when I borrowed a book from angelaamp I decided to make my own tarot cards by just writing the name of the cards so that i could practice reading cards.

  6. Hello

    You cannot read playing cards as Tarot, they are vastly different.

    Playing card divination is called Cartomancy. You do not get the depth that you get with Tarot unless you are working at a Clairvoyant level.

    Forum below has Cartomancy meanings.


  7. Well, as it happens, tarot cards are playing cards. They were created in the mid 15th century, a commission by the Duke of Milan as part of the celebrations for his daughter, Bianca Visconti's marriage into the Sforza family. They basically added a fifth suit of cards to the then standard Milanese pack of playing cards (Cups, Coins, Swords, and Batons are called the Latins suits. They were the first playing card suits in Europe and are still used in many countries). These extra cards took as their theme not an occult philosophy, nor magical symbols but a traditional Christian triumph procession - hence they were called trionfi, meaning triumphs, and from which we get our word trump. It was the invention of tarot that marked the invention of trumps in card games.

    For their first 350 years, tarot was used for nothing other than card games, at one time becoming the most popular form of card play throughout continental Europe.

    Tarot cards were not used for divination until the very end of the 18th century - long after people had begun using regular French suited playing cards for that purpose!

    The meaning attributed to cards, tarot  or otherwise, have always been invented - they were not a part of their creation. So, if you must get into fortune telling, why not invent your own? - You might find it more fun that way.

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