
Reading palms? crystal balls? egg in water?

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aer there any ways that might be considered superstition to a lot of people but you believe in?

does the raw egg in a glass of water thing work?




  1. I tell you the truth, if we do any thing where is no Jesus christ then it will not prosper can even be a sin.

    These are the things done my ancient Israel, which provoked God to anger, they were doing all these without asking God, because he is a jealous God, he do not like praying to other god other than Him, they forgot how he helped them in bringing them to Canaan, thr promised land where milk and honey flows. BUt they were not worshipping him and God became very angry on them and punished them telling that no one will stay in that land and everyone will scatter and only Jesus will help them in becoming one. Once upon a time their land was almost 75% of middle east which extended even to africa, but now it measures only few square kilometers, where only Jerusalem there with Israel. Why am telling you this is, because Israel did all what you said and more than that and God punished them, and now by his grace the whole Israel tribe is becoming one from all parts of the whole in preparation of Armageddon. To tell the fact Israel is the strongest of all nations when they are one, because God himself goes to the battle so that Israel wins.


    Loved One

  2. try raw egg stove water and sauce pan. not in that order though. many people believe things that are just superstition, mine are mainly habit, but mirrors definetly the freestanding ones creep me out.

  3. raw egg in a glass of water

    Yes it works!

    You get egg-water.

  4. all scam tricks never heard of the egg thing please explain

  5. Palm reading or Chiromancy has been practiced for over 5,000 years. If it didn't work, I'd think people would have stopped by now. Divination using spheres, mirrors, water, or a host of other media has also been around for a long time. I've used them all and have found them to be reliable. Now the raw egg in the water thing? Haven't a clue.

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