
Reading the news today, this opinion fell out of me. Comments?

by Guest60849  |  earlier

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Today in the News (the trickle-down effect)

Wal-Mart profit soars 17%

Sing Hallelujah!

Crack open the champagne

And drink ‘em down


A celebration!!


As your kidneys do their unappreciated job

Stand tall

On you balconies of gold

And relieve yourself on the blue-clad minions below

Wal-Mart profit soars 17%

Employees receive a generous

Well-deserved bonus




  1. Alobar, I love it.  I used to work for Wal*Mart and before Sam Walton died it was actually a nice place to work and then his sons took over and got rid of everything that was good about working there.  I came to hate the place and even wrote a really cheesy poem as my resignation letter.  Anyhow, I can appreciate this poem very much.  Thanks for sharing your thoughts :)

    If you'd like to read my resignation poem, here it is:  I wrote this 20 years ago so it's not that great, but it has sentimental value for me.

  2. Alobar - where you bin?  I bin missing you.

    Great poem - (and having read Spyt's Wall-Mart poem it obviously goes straight to the jugular)

    (What a brilliant line - As your kidneys do their unappreciated job!)

    On your (?)

    Nice to see you back.

  3. The Wal-Mart employee gets a well-deserved bonus

    On we the consumer I put the onus

    But if we don;t shop at this giant store

    Those poor employees will be out the door.

    Wal-Mart give the employees the 17 percent

    So they can buy food and pay their rent

    I guarantee we would then all shop at your store

    Your profits would climb even more and more.

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