
Reading the rules of the road .. can anyone help further explain these..?

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Skidding occurs when tires lose traction. If you skid, ease off the gas pedal or brakes. Steer into the direction of the skid until you feel you have regained traction and then straighten your vehicle.

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"Never overdrive your headlights. Always keep them clean and aimed properly. Use them at dusk and dawn. Bright lights must be dimmed 500 feet before meeting an oncoming vehicle or 300 feet before passing a vehicle. "

^ that.


"Avoid hydroplaning by slowing down. If you skid while hydroplaning, try to regain control of the vehicle. Otherwise, release the accelerator and ride out the skid. "

thanks !




  1. Slow down and use common sense.

  2. Well, for the first one... When skidding, it is usually your back end which tends to slide out... So say it slides to the right, it's saying to steer to your right, or in the direction of the skid... It's also saying don't release or slam on the brakes or gas too quickly, or you could get yourself into an even worse problem...

    For the second one, cleaning the inside of the headlights will make them much more effective... Because believe it or not, a lot of dirt gets in there... Also, instead of going by "500 feet before meeting an oncoming vehicle" most people just dim their high beams when the oncoming car's head lights are visible... And just dim your high beams when ever a car passes you at night, which won't be too often...

    And for the last one, Hydroplaning is when your car actually lifts itself off of the road and on top of puddles in the rain... This causes complete loss of control over the car... If you do hydroplane, you should ease off the gas, and try to maintain control of the car, because if you try to steer while hydroplaning, it won't work out well... And if you skid, it's the same as the first one you asked about, just steer the direction of the skid, slightly, until you maintain control...

    Hope that helped you out!

    If you need anything further, just e-mail me at

  3. You already answered all of your own questions............

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