
Ready for a Black President?

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I do not really understand all this nonsense about America not being ready for a Black President.

People are People no matter the skin tone...have we not yet learned this??!!! You would think that in the year 2008 this would really not be an issue. It is baffling that in the 21st century we are even concerned about skin color. Race should really not be an issue and neither should gender.

The idea that we are "not ready" for a Black President is making a laughing stock of America.

What are people so afraid of?




  1. We are ready for a fantastic man who is well educated, kind , has a family that loves him and he loves back and  is full of excellent ideas of how to make this country great again.  That man is Obama and we are all ready for this wonderful man to take the helm.  I can't wait.  He is so calm and not mean to the Reps and yet he knows how to stand up for his rights and his beliefs.  A true gentleman who will take the United States into this century and into the global economy with a  fresh new approach.  He will do great things.  Its about time. Long overdue.  

  2. I think it is funny how people say they would vote for Colin Powell.  NO THEY WOULD NOT.  It would change once he was really running.  THE BRADLEY EFFECT.

  3. It's not an issue for me. I'll vote for Obama, or McCain on their record. Their skin color will not make their policies better.

  4. Unfortunately race IS still an issue in America. It is however hidden and you cant talk about it because then you're deemed a racist. Although many people who claim they are not racist feel that we're not ready, they still would be depicted that way.

    Trust and believe this race will be super close on election day, because a lot of these Obama "supporters" will actually vote the other way and claim later to have voted Obama. I think its easy for people to say racism doesnt exist if they have not suffered through it. I also think that "America" wants to forget and move on (which is hard for other races and cultures to do), so we claim it as a non-issue.

  5. I have no problem with a black president.  I have a problem with a president who is a racist separatist with socialist ideas who is a post turtle, an empty suit, who is only where he is today because of his skin color and his association with the most corrupt political machine to ever exist

  6. I don't get it either. That is so racist to say we aren't ready. Well, I'm not ready for an old president with woman vp. How's that?! I'm kidding of course. I'm ready for whoever who turn this country around and make it better. I don't care if he or she or it is a Smurf! Go Obama!

  7. It's not the fact that he's black. Most of the problem lies in his inexperience. He is not ready to lead the country. I would vote for an African American, just not Obama. He is a threat to our liberty.  

  8. Most whites its not an issue.  The Blacks are the ones that have turned it into an issue.   If a white person says, I'm not voting Obama; the first thing they are accused of is being racist.   That's bullchit!  I'm not voting for him because he has not once been honest with the nation.  He has flip flopped like a fish gasping for oxygen out of water.  He stumbles all over himself; he has never answered a question straight forward.  He has always gone around the bush.   So, until that man can answer the question asked him with out straying off of it.  I might listen to him!

    Is America ready for a Black man for President?  Let's see what happens on November 4, 2008

    Democrat turned Independent


  9. I haven't heard a single soul say they were a afraid of having a black president - Just that they didn't want Obama to become president.  

  10. The only party that makes it a point of mentioning race on a consistent basis, is Barack's party.  I am ready for an African American president, but not Barack.

  11. It has absolutely nothing to do with the color of his skin.  I will not vote for Obama because of his views.  I vote for the best person for the job, skin color has nothing to do with it.  There are many great black Americans that would make great Presidents (Colin Powell, Condoleeza Rice, J.C. Watts would make great presidents, and Michael Steele is one to watch in the future).

  12. Sure. A conservative one. I am not ready for a nut-job like Barack Obama though.

    McCain/Palin '08

    Country First

  13. I'm voting for Obama all the way!!! Despite color... because the pigment of my skin should NOT influence who I am and what I stand for.

    Plain and simple.


  14. I am ready ready ready!  Some people are afraid of change.  Some are afraid of the unknown.  Some are afraid of voting against there party.

    We need change!  We KNOW what McCain will do!  Vote for the BEST candidate and cross the party line to make a difference!

    Enough Drama, vote 4 OBAMA.

  15. just keep that way of thinking so you ll be comforted by it if obama loses rather then accept it is because we dont want liberal policies

  16. Here we go again with the race card...  Ya just don't get it, do you?  People don't want Barack Obama in office because he is a communist.  It has nothing to do with being black.  Get over yourself liberal.

  17. I am ready , but not for Obama. I don't like him or his policies and I will not put being politically correct over my love for my country. I would love a black President.. let me know when one is actually running for President. Obama is more white than black. He is 1/4 African . He is half white and the rest  Arab. I don't vote for color or s*x. I vote on issues and who will help my country.


    I have a husband , cousin and brother who have been to Iraq or are in Iraq.

    I have no healthcare because my husband is the only one covered since he returned from Iraq over 6 months ago.

    I have conversations with minorities all the time, I live in the NorthEast and don't care what color someone is. I have minorities in my family and talk to them all the time... that doesn't mean I will vote for someone based on their color instead of their qualifications. My having known someone in the war has made me more determined than ever to vote McCain over Obama. There is a reason McCain has more support with the military than Obama. There is a reason Republicans get more support from the military.

  18. I'm pretty sure the only Americans who are "afraid" of a black president are people from the deep south who still have a confederate flag hanging on their front porch. it's 2008, not 1864.  

  19. Its not people that have never been around groups of black that tend to be racist. Its those of us who have spent a great deal of time around them that makes us not want a black president.

  20. Believe it or not, it is an issue for many people.

    When people ask if America is ready for a black president, it only means that racism is still alive. The worst that we can do is deny it.

  21. America does not need a black president. We need someone who's gonna make us safe and comfortable. We don't need someone who will do things just to try and prove that a black president can "make it" ...Because that's all Nobama will do is worry about what people think of him...He's rediculous.

    By the way, McCains speech last night was great.

    McCain 08

  22. I'm not ready for a president may not deliver on his promises like Obama.  During his acceptance speech, he described all of the promises to bring about his brand of "change", but did not elaborate how he would make it happen.

    McCain did promise "change" and he did describe how he and Sarah Palin would do it, even if no timeline was provided.

    Color does not matter, but ability to followup on promises does.

  23. agree wholeheartedly, however, sexism is still alive and well, especially in the demo/lib arena

  24. Nope, I'm not. Nor will I ever be. I'm not ready for a muslim, lying, black, inexperienced person to be in the WHITE House.

  25. I can see your not from the south.  If you were you would not say that.

    When you stand in line anywhere my money is green but theres is black

    So guess what I'm last in line no matter what, they will overlook me and choose a black person.

    Maybe you haven't got around in the south.  It is an issue problem in this land,   your not looking hard enough.  As for elections McCain is the Best.  No matter what.

  26. I believe people in general are afraid of change.  Especially those who

    1. Do not know anyone who have gone to war.

    2. Have a stable job and health insurance.

    3. Have never had a real conversation with a minority.

    These people exist all over our country.  Remember that many voters went to school when it was still segregated.

    Right now, McCain and Obama are even in the polls.  Polls only count people that have voted in previous elections. So, register to vote and change our history.

    By the way....

    In my home state, there are only 30 days left to register to vote.  The clock is ticking.

  27. ~ I agree with you.  I can't believe some of the remarks I have heard referring to people not wanting Obama just because of his skin color or where he comes from.  It amazes me that we are just inching along in the white and black debate.  I was not raised to see the color of someones skin so it is completely foreign to me but with the advancement of everything else you would think that peoples backwoods mentality would advance right along, unfortunately they are still living in the "white" world and honestly it makes me sick.  

  28. Michael Steele or Colin Powell- yes.

    Chicago Machine corruption- h**l NO!

  29. Im ready for a white pres...McCain is white, Obama is half...why say hes  black if hes half white?  Why say he's white if he's half black?  Who actually gives a c**p?

  30. The people who are saying this are obviously racist, and republican.

  31. The only people I hear asking that question are liberals, to be quite honest. And that's only so they have an excuse they can live with if B. Hussein Obama loses: he lost because America is still racist.

    Besides, haven't we already had one black president?

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