
Ready for kindergarten?

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my daughter has been in preschool for 2 years. she will be 5 in august, cut off date is sept 1st. her preschool teacher told my husband that they want her to come back to preschool for another year. the reason she gave is that my daughter isn't quite as good as the other children with her fine motor skills (apparently she doesn't hold her pencil correctly) she can write her name, knows what letter words begin with, knows her capital alphabet (not quite so confident with lowercase), can count to 13, (she gets mixed up after that), listens to her teachers, is very sympathetic to others, etc. she had had some trouble with having potty accidents, which is my only concern - she doesn't realize that she has to go until she's "dancing" but there have been no accidents in 6 weeks or so. Is there really any reason to keep her in pre-k another year. there is still 7 months until kindergarten starts anyhow. registration for kindergarten is in 3 weeks...




  1. I think many kindergartens are expecting much more of the children these days. It is important for your child to feel confident in her classroom activities and not to feel she is not doing as well as others. I would check with the kindergarten that you plan to take her too and see what they say about her skills and what they expect from the children. I would go with waiting the year just for the fact that it gives her time to mature in all areas and better able to enjoy learning. You know your child the best so good luck with your decision.

  2. Here are some fine motor activities which may help your dd:

    I would probably wait to send her if I were you.  I think it's ridiculous that there are requirements for kindergarten.  They are pushing kids too fast nowadays.

  3. I think like this...If she already does all of those things and you feel that she should continue to the next grade you should put her there.  I would also go talk to her teacher and ask her to explain in depth why she feels that your child should stay back in preK.  There should be a better reason than a bladder problem. know your child best.  If you think she is ready the put her in kindergarten.  If you then find out her motor skills aren't as defined as you would like them to be hold her back in kindergarten.  Plus I teach 5 graders and some of them can't even hold a pencil the right way so that's not saying much.  It sounds to me like she is on the road to success.  Keep working with her and in 7 months her skills will be up to par and make sure her teacher hasn't given up on her and is still working with her as much as she is the other students.

  4. This is ridiculous that they should tell you that.  Your daughter is ready for kindergarten.  It sounds like she is very smart.  And that is their job to work with her on her fine motor skills.  My son has a Sept birthday, and I sent him to Kindergarten this year and he is doing just fine.  Yes, he has some difficulty with fine motor skills (his handwriting is not very neat), but he is reading at age 5, and counting to 100.  You will be amazed at what she is capable of learning in the next year.  Why keep her from doing so?

  5. OMG, of course she is ready...i am 10 and i dnt hold my pencil correctly...i have very neat handwriting still...she sounds like she will be fine!

  6. I would listen to your child's teacher - before your child goes to kindergarten, she should be able to print her name - first letter capital, the rest lower case, count to 20, definitely have NO accidents in the bathroom (although that could always be medical), a strong grip and good control on the pencil.  Your child's teacher sees so many children go through - if she doesn't think your daughter is ready, I would trust her.  She wants what is best for your child (I would hope if she's in this field).  You have given lots of reasons for me to worry about her moving on.  Her birthday is very close to the cut off date so why not wait?  I have heard so many parents regret sending their children on, never have I heard a parent regret waiting.  So, don't live with regrets and give your child the gift of time.

  7. I am a Preschool teacher and that is crazy keeping her in preschool because she cant hold her pencil right.  Come on.  She will get that I have seen many children that hold there pencil wrong and they had no problems in kindergarten and for her having a problem with potting or waiting until she dances to go is normal as well dont worry I believe she will be fine.

  8. Whatever you decide to do, just recognize that your teacher's probably looking out for your child's best interest.  That doesn't mean you should keep her back...doesn't mean you should move her forward either.  I say that because a lot of times, parents get this thought of "how can her teacher even suggest it?"

    I'm not saying you have that.  It doesn't sound like you have it.  That message may have been more to other teachers.

    Ultimately, it is your choice on this.  You're going to have to decide if the Kindergarten you are sending her to will help her or if another year of preschool will be better.  I would suggest going to the kindergarten and talking with the administrator about what was said and let them have some imput into it as well.  If it is just fine motor skills, I don't see a reason to hold her back.  The only real reason I would see would be if there were delays in social development (which doesn't seem like an issue since she's sympathetic towards others) or big flags in terms of a cognitive development issue (again, you clearly show there isn't a flag there).

    My initial thought is to say "move her forward."  However, I know nothing about your preschool and have never actually seen your daughter, so I can't make that statement and be fair either way (nor can anyone else in this forum).

    Just be sure that if you move her up, you do so because you've looked into it and feel she is ready.  


  9. Before accepting my job as a preschool teacher working at a Kindergarten readiness program, I did my homework and answered the question, "What is kindergarten readiness?"  Most of my answers came directly from Kindergarten teachers.

    A child is ready for kindergarten when they can show two things: 1)Enthusiasm and 2) Ability to learn.  Does she have these two things?  If you can confidently answer yes, then she is ready.

    You may care to address the fine motor issue separately.  I see some others have posted resources.  Girls tend to develop fine motor skills faster than boys, it may be worth getting a professional opinion/evaluation.  Does she avoid doing fine manipulation of objects or things like playing with playdough?  If so, I would seriously consider getting it checked out by a professional.  if she enjoys or at least tries these things consistently, she's more than like just a late bloomer.

    A parent is a child's first teacher, you know your child well enough to make this judgment call.  Worst case, she can repeat Kindergarten, and from what I remember, Kindergarten was a LOT of fun - I'd go back any day :-)

    Finally, with potty training - she'll get it.  The less you think about it and worry about it, the faster she'll get it.  I've never seen a seven year old wearing diapers (for non-developmental reasons) so obviously she's going to get it.  Don't stress and she won't either.

    Good luck with everything!

  10. I would trust your child's teacher. He or she has probably been with lots of children and has years of experience. There is no shame in having a child repeat preschool. I am a preschool teacher and we care about the children's well being and we would rather have them stay back another year rather than struggling through Kindergarten. A negative experience could set her up with a negative attitude about school the rest of her life. The best thing you could do for her now is to work with her at home. Good Luck

  11. help her at house so she doesnt hafta do it again

  12. Sounds like she's ready. If her teacher's only reason was fine motor skills, she'll be given plenty of time and experience to strengthen them in kindergarten. Sounds like she's off to a great start- already know how to write her name, recognizing upper case alphabet, etc. Much better start then many of the kiddos in kindergarten I've worked with (I student taught kindergarten). You're concern about the potty accidents is relevant. But at the same time, like you pointed out, you have 7 months. With a little bit of extra work she could be easily ready in that area.

    I would go for it. Start with the registration and see what happens. They do the testing and all that as a part of the registration, which will show you areas she needs to work on/if she really is ready. Good luck!

  13. well on sat. bring out paper and cranyons say draw a butterfly or a animal and then write 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 and say name all of these show here how to hold a pencail and see how she does if these work then she is ready if they dont she isnt

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