
Ready for potty training?

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My daughter just got a training potty. When her diaper gets full, I take it off, put her on her potty and say "YAY!" and she claps for herself. After a few times, she came up to me, made sure I was paying attention, wabbled over to her potty, stuck her hand in the pot (it was empty) while looking at me, then moved towards me and tried to take off her diaper. When I checked, it was dirty. Does it sound like she's acting ready for potty training or like she learned a trick to get her diaper off? She's younger than people say potty training usually starts, so I really wasn't "trying" to potty train her, only to get her used to it. Well, let me know your opinions. Thanks.




  1. WOW!!! That is great!! Sounds like she could be ready to go. Pardon the pun. She is connecting the two and that is a great 1st step!! Go ahead and give potty training a try. Don't worry and don't get frustrated if she doesn't take to it right away. She is still young and it will take time and A LOT of patience. Another thing be consistent!! I know that this will sound a bit extreme but start her out by putting her on the potty every 1/2 hr ad gradually working her up to 45 min. then an hour and so on. This little trick worked with my kiddo (granted we were stuck at an hour for a really long time) but every kid is different. It took my little guy a while at least 2 1/2 months to finally connect the two and once he did he was in big boy undies and keeping the bed dry within 3 months. Good luck!!

  2. try and read some potty training tips at

  3. First how old is she? She sounds like she is ready to try to start potty training since she shows interest in the toilet and knows when she has done something in her diaper. Also the age doesnt matter when you start to potty train. My son is two and a half and has been potty trained for almost a year. All kids are different and show signs of being ready at different ages

  4. she is interested in the potty and is putting the two together.  there is no right time for a child to be potty trained. My next door neighbor had her girls trained before two years old

  5. this is known as potty training.   you will spend the next 6-12 months working with your daughter.  as her body matures, she will be able to control her bowel & bladder habits.  stay patient and never punish.

  6. Sorry to say it, but she is only doing this because she knows that when her diaper is full, she can go to the potty to get some positive attention.  She hasn't learned that she needs to go use the potty first.  She most likely doesn't even understand what the potty is for.

  7. main key is to teach your child for example potty training when they feel ready and you baby sounds ready yay! . children are learning to use potty now between 18 to 38 months. if she doesnt learn right now at least you knwo she will not be afriad in the future.

  8. Most kids as young as 15-18 months can tell you after they've gone to the potty.  The trick is to get them to the point when they can tell you BEFORE they go potty.  That's usually about 2 for a girl and 2.5 for a boy.  If you're just getting your child accustomed to the potty and aren't trying to train in earnest, then I'd suggest the DVD "Once upon a potty" for her  We'd also take my son to the potty about 30 minutes after a meal and read him books/play with him there for 10 minutes or so.  If he went potty, we'd offer major praise and cheering, if not then we just redressed him and went on with our day with no negatives.  We did that for about two months before we started actual potty training so he knew what the potty was for and what it felt like when he had to go.  When we actually began potty training (at 26 months), he could tell us before he had to go and would run to the potty.  He was fully trained in two weeks after that.

  9. Every child is different but if they interested then roll with it. What's the worst that will happen?

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