
Ready for sibling fudes to end....?

by  |  earlier

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ok i am 4 and a half years older then my brother and i know we fight because at his age it is normal but furiating so does anyone know what age little brothers grow out of that little detail(fighting with sisters) i am sick and tired of fighting with my brother and i am sure my patents are too. everytime i tell him i am tired of fighting with him all the time he says i am acting like his mother and on some cases he is right but that is because sometimes he pushes me to the point of it. any suggestions??? and please dont tell me something i could get from my parents...




  1. Well, if you're tired of fighting with him...then don't fight. What is resolved in these fights? Is anything ever accomplished? Do you ever see things his way and does he ever see them yours? Let him pick a fight with you if he wants to, but it's totally up to you the way you respond to it. You don't HAVE to fight with him.

    If he does something to annoy you, then ignore it. He does it to get a reaction from you...if you don't give him that reaction he is looking for, then eventually he will stop doing it when you consistently refuse to give him a reaction.

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