
Ready to "come out" and start dating girls?

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So I'm coming at a time in my life where I'm feeling more comfortable with my sexuality and I'm ready to come out...well not totally announce it but I'm ready to start dating girls now. I don't think I'm a L*****n but I know I'm leading more towards females (even though I'm still attracted to guys) And I'm honestly tired of hiding it and ive been doing it for a while now. I think I'm missing opportunities. The only thing is how could I date girls without being "out" and my parents finding out. I tried coming out to my mom like twice and then she told my dad but i think she thinks its a faze and I'm over it. My closest friends already know too and they're fine with it and they actually try to help me. I just don't know what to do. And where do you meet other g*y ppl?




  1. Well, you don't have to announce it to the world that you're g*y. And you can be bisexual and lean towards one s*x more. It doesn't make you a L*****n. And as for dating girls. You just do it. There's not "Starters Manual" for dating girls. It's like dating a dude. You just find someone you like and pray to God that they like you the same way LOL. But you can meet other g*y people at LGBT groups or if you're still in school, which it sounds like you are, there are clubs such as the g*y Straight Alliance where you can meet people. There are also g*y clubs and things you can go to. It just depends on the kind of people you want to meet. Good luck and I hope you find your happiness. And don't worry about your parents. A lot of parents think it's a phase. Don't let that get to you. They love you no matter what. Even if they can't open their eyes to reality.  

  2. You can meet ppl anywhere.  I wouldn't come out to my parents just yet...maybe if you met someone you wanted to bring home, but I would keep it on the dl for now.  

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