
Ready to smash my computer? Done everything I could about viruses?

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ok, I dont understand what is wrong with my computer. I was on limewire (stupid, I know) and after trying to download an ebook I think is when things got bad. Now I get sooo many annoying pop ups. I can't open anything under control panel with out getting a thing that says application failed to initialize properly. At the top of it it says rundll32.exe. When I start up my computer I have to manually start the explorer.exe under ctrl alt delete. I've ran sooo many anti viruses and the like. Sometimes this message pops up to keep me from removing the malicious content, just like the pop up under control panel. I'm going crazy. Please help?




  1. If you suspect you have an infection, there are several things you must do.  

    Unfortunately, if you find one infection, it is highly likely you have another one. A virus, trojan or worm are all different types of infections/malware and there are some great FREE programs that can help you.

    First, clean up (delete) your cookies, temp files and temporary internet files. I prefer to use Ccleaner to do this, rather than the built-in DISK CLEANUP, as I feel it does a much more thorough job - for example, it will clean out the index files on your next reboot.

    If you want to use Disk Cleanup, you can find it if you:

    - Double-Click on My Computer to open it up

    - RIGHT-click on your C: drive

    - Choose PROPERTIES and then click on the DISK CLEANUP button

    - When done, reboot your computer.

    Delete these files daily or run Ccleaner every day right before you shut your computer down.

    2 - You should also have a good anti-virus program to help protect your computer. AVG Free, Avast or Avira are excellent anti-virus programs. You can't go wrong in choosing any one of these 3.

    3 -Since NONE of the anti- spyware or anti- adware programs are 100% accurate in finding and removing spyware, you need at least two programs which you will run one after the other, not at the same time.

    There are three excellent free ones:

    - Spybot, Search and Destroy

    - Ad-Aware

    - Spyware Blaster

    You will need to download, install, update (and IMMUNIZE in Spybot) and run them, one at a time. Be careful with the NAME of these programs - there are "look-alikes" with very similar names, that are in fact spyware themselves! Reboot after you install each one!

    After this current infection is cleared up, be sure to run both of the above programs at least once a week if you are on the internet frequently and/or like to download music or files.

    NOTE: Some infections prevent your from downloading the above programs. You may have to use a clean computer to download the programs and copy them to a thumb drive or CD. Then transfer the install files to the infected computer and run.

    --Occasionally you will not be able to run these programs without being in SAFE MODE.  To get there, reboot your computer and tap the F8 key, repeatedly until a menu comes up.  You want to choose SAFE MODE WITH NETWORKING.

    4 -You should also have a good firewall to help protect your computer. Zone Alarm makes a totally free version (watch you don't download the 30-day free trial of the paid version). You can download this from the manufacturer at zonelabs dot com

    HTH : )

    Good luck!

    PS - Most of the above programs can be found at

  2. No; you have most likely been infected by spyware that is plaguing your system. I can only suggest more antispyware tools if you haven't tried them as you haven't specified what you have been infected with.

    First use Malwarebytes Antimalware  - free for personal use; run a scan

    Then use Superantispyware - free version; you will need to run a full scan which may take ages I'm afraid

    Superantispyware will place an icon in your tray next to the clock; right click>view control center; click the "repair" tab; select "enable windows control panel" and click "repair"

    see here

  3. Try Lavasoft Ad-Aware Software to scan for malwares and trojans...

    if it does not work then try some of the registry cleaners available free at

    internet so they can repair some registry problems...

    Use Kaspersky Internet Security it can remove all known trojans, viruses, spywares, malwares, bots, and other intrusions.

    while using these softwares disconnect your internet connection..

  4. It took me 3 days to kill an adware last week. Yup... Then windows wouldn't work right. (Formatting is an option but you know that.) So I installed a new windows XP in another directory. Then the drivers didn't know what was what. Not even the network card driver. So I physically put in a new nic card, added the driver (on a floppy so I had to put that on a CD to us it). Then went to That gave all the drivers I needed in like 60 seonds. then I removed my card form the computer, and the system ran great. I manually got ridc of strange exe files in the Windows directory (the old one) and hte stragnge dll files in the system32 folder too. Go back 2 mohts and get rid of those crazy files. a lesser know apyware and virus program  also found more malware than all the antiV programs I had availalble all put toghter. and it did it fast. It was called anti-malware from "" Run CleanUp 4.0 too it will speed everything else up, but watch the settings on it!. Don't delete your favorites!

  5. this is a great virus remover i use it, leave viruses in quatratrine

    download free version

  6. Suggestion.  I would think you have spyware, not viruses.  I would suggest that you run a scan with Spybot Search & Destroy at

    I would also try running Regedit and look at your "Run" Key at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft





    Often, the spyware will put links there.  You can try googling each item to see what it is.   You can also find some info at

    You may need to reboot in safe mode (Press F8 when booting) to remove some of these links.

    Then, you may want to remove things in your Add/Remove Programs control panel that you don't know what they are.  If you post all the names, I can tell you which are Adware related.

    You might also try running CCleaner, which can also clean up a bunch of things:

    When you get your system cleaned, it might be a good idea to run a Windows Update at (Windows 2000 or XP) or through the Windows Update command in your start menu (Windows Vista).

  7. Restart your PC in safe mode with networking

    Download, install and run a full scan with Malwarebytes

    Run a full scan with Micro Trend House Call

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