
Reagan won 90% of Electoral Votes Against Dems in 2 Elections. Why did Clinton do so Poorly?

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... compared to Reagan?

Why did so many Dems abandon their party and vote for Reagan?




  1. There was three candidates that year. We had old Ross Perot take a huge amount of the republicans votes.    

  2. Clinton didn't do poorly, Reagan did extraordinarily. That kind of landslide is very uncommon.  

  3. He wasn't a celebrity.

  4. Reagan was a great and popular president.

    Clinton did his very best to disgrace the office of president.

  5. Because the country knew that Reagan was a kick *** doer and not a snibbling politician. Reagan was truly the last of his kind! A great president! He should be on the side of mountrushmore!

  6. Reagan followed Carter.

    The GOP could have nominated a chimp and won a landslide.

  7. Why did Clinton do so much better with the economy that Reagan did? Record growth AND putting us on track to pay off our Reagan era debt. I'm more impressed by what a politician does in office than what they promised to get elected.

  8. Because the Republicans were too busy either working, or laughing on their day off.

    Reagan was The Great Communicator, while Bill Clinton was the Great Bull-shyter!

  9. interesting # cause it was the rich that owned 90% of the country after reagan took over but he was senile as McCain when he left,

  10. Because ronald reagen actually achieved something in office besides finding new ways to use cuban cigars.

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