
Real Bigfoot been found? What do you think?

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  1. Interesting if true.

  2. Hmm, well it's Friday. Has there been anymore said about this?

  3. How did they find me!? Outrageous! x

  4. The guys reportedly found the body a month ago, but didn't call any experts until 2 weeks ago. The guy they called has a questionable reputation. They would ONLY allow this guy to see the body. They kept the 'body' in a freezer.

    Arguably the biggest species/animal discovery of the decade, maybe in the past 50 years, and they do this?

    I am very skeptical. Very.

  5. The same man that orchestrated the exact same bigfoot hoax years back is involved with this one. Don't get your hopes up. If you want to see a real BIGFOOT either go watch Yao Ming play or go to a Monster Truck Rally

  6. I think that this is amazing. I was always leaning on rather to believe in Bigfoot or not. This is tipping me towards certainly believing. The theory of evolution can maybe be confirmed with the half ape, half man creature!

    I am curious about the location of where Bigfoot was found. Too bad they wouldn't reveal it. Learning about it's habitat and learning of the creatures around it can lead to the discovery of paranormal creatures and even the supernatural.

    Overall, if you are interested in Bigfoot, I recommend following this story to find further evidence in the claims as to "This is Bigfoot".  

  7. wow that is insane.

  8. Craziness.  I'm 50/50 on that one.  I will like to see it for myself though.

  9. That's hot.

  10. Probably a hoax but I hope its true.  Just imagine all the discovery channel specials I could watch to annoy my wife.

  11. My opinion?  Not true.  Why?  My reason is two-fold:  

    According to the news report these same guys were involved in a Big Foot hoax a couple of years ago.  Now they're saying that this time its the real deal.  Right!

    Second, although the link you provided is not so clear I viewed TV footage of the same on this morning's new.  The rate of decomposition is not uniform.  Why is the body so decayed and the head is relatively pristine?  Obviously whoever is trying to pass this corpse/head off for the real deal has never seen a real animal that has died in the woods and is in an advanced stage of decay.  

    I'm sure its just another hoax.


  12. Anything is possible cause people didn't think that giant octopus were real until they found one a few years ago.

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