
Real Estate Agents: How often do you take your child(ren) with you when conducting business?

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When you go to the office, show a home or meet a client, how often do you take your child(ren) with you?




  1. NEVER

  2. I don't have young children but I don't know anyone in my area that takes their children with them.  And I can't imagine that I would.  Can you find a sitter?  How about someone at your office?

  3. Rarely. Maybe they ride in the car when I put in a yard sign or take an exterior photo, but the've never accompanied me to a listing presentation or showing. But in a pinch I don't see that it would bring about any harm. Besides, it makes you more of a real human being.

  4. NEVER.

    In 18 years, I have taken my young child 2 times.  It was my day off and the cient was only in town for the day.  I explained the situation.  However, in both cases, they had kids also, so it worked out.  

    Otherwise, NEVER.  It is very unprofessional.  If you went to a doctor's office and their kids were there, what would you think?

  5. Just don't bring him unless the potential buyers are aware of the situation prior.

    I had a realtor bring her son, it was so distracting, even though he was real good, quiet, just colored in his book, it was still distracting.... It was "my" time you know... My time to look at what might be home, the buyer's want the realtor's undivided attention. I felt rushed, although she never uttered a rushing word. I just felt like she had other things to do or places to go with her son being there. I felt pressured to look at this, look at that as quickly possible, felt like I was "bothering" her.... It was just real weird.

    So... I wouldn't say never do it, but do it as least often as possible. And always let the buyers know before hand your son will be with you, give them the chance to say ok fine or can we look another time when you can get child care.

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