
Real Estate Broker job description?

by  |  earlier

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I am trying to figure out a cool, well paying career option. (I am going into my Jr. year) & from what I know a real estate broker sounds good. What are some job requirements and discriptions just so I know for sure if thats somthing I want to go into?




  1. YOU don't want to be one now.

    YOU did not volunteer your skills.  OR

    occupational activity desires.

    [to be a broker requires passing a rather

    archaic, very BORING test, after passing

    a school's curriculum], taking a state

    test and passing it and

    "associating yourself with a RE broker for

    2-6 yrs first.]

    Tell me what you love to do and if

    you had a $1m, what you would do with it and I will guide you.

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