
Real Estate: Can I hold my share of Joint Tenants or Tenants in Common as an LLC?

by Guest66734  |  earlier

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California: I am investing in real estate and my partner does not wish to hold title as an LLC. Instead, my partner will only invest in the deal if we are either Joint Tenants or Tenants in Common. Can I hold my 50% Joint Tenants or Tenants in Common share in the Real Estate investment as an LLC? Thanks!




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  2. Yes you can, with the LLC being on of the Tenants in Common.  The bigger problem may be getting a loan with an LLC being one of the applicants.  You could get the loan with your own name instead but you'd have to re-title the property (ad get the banks permission to do this) to move it back to having the LLC on the deed.  In other words you can do it, but its going to be a bit of trouble unless you are buying it all cash.

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