
Real Estate in November?

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What is your best educated guess on what will happen to the Real Estate Market once the 2008 presidential election happens?




  1. Depends on who is elected--but nothing till he is sworn in.

  2. My best guess based on past downturns is, that it will be a long one. We have lingering stagflation since mid 1998. Interest have been artificially kept down, creating that housing bubble with to easy credits.

    Inflation pressure will bring interest's up. If interests go up the economy will stay under even more stress, see early 80's.

    I would say, we won't see the ugly bottom of the real estate mess until 2009, maybe even 2010 and then it will take at least 6 years to get back up.

    House prices will come down and already have in some areas to 1998 prices. But the problem is not low prices for the owners, it will be no buyers out there to buy anything.

    We are just at the start of a big mess unfolding.

  3. Nothing different until 2010, by then the sub prime notes should have all re-sets due.

  4. As the old saying goes... "look back into history to predict the future, since history always repeats itself" but honestly we are in uncharted territories...  and never seen something like this... we just hard Freddie and Fannie's big trouble... the issues in the middle east with Israel and Iran... the low artificial interest rates which is causing a weaker dollar = inflation...

    Now, to answer your question about the election... as I said we can look back into history... first, we have never seen an increase in realestate ALL ACROSS THE NATION... this is caused by artiificaily low interest rates by alan greenspan... now bernanke is doing the best he can BUT just like vaulker did in his term in the 80's we need to increase interest rates to strengthen our dollar and to keep inflation under raps... I think we wont see a rally in most places until 2012... this is totally my opinion but if we go to war maybe something will change who knows...

    R.P. 2008 get my plug in =)

  5. The housing financial problems R fundamental.  Guvt kant fix it.  Nu pres wont fix it.  Kongres kant fix it.  Fed kant duit.

    Gotta waet til hous prieses go down tu weer kommon jo kan afford a kommon hous.  & gotta waet til the banks, wall street, & investers redu all theer finans gimmiks.  Gotta waet til morgage bankers go bak tu evaluate lenders based on ability tu pae & past histree.

    That will take til 2010 or 2011.

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