
Real estate and the stock market are both low, where is the best place to put some money?

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Real estate and the stock market are both low, where is the best place to put some money?




  1. Did you ever hear the saying "buy low, sell high"? If you think the market is low now, buy now.

    Of course, it depends on your needs. Long-term growth or current income?

  2. Bank CDs.

    Iceland is combatting inflation, and as a result, is paying 13% interest rates.

    Too Far Away?   here's one better:

    Millennium Bank (headquartered in Central America) offers close to 8%.

    This is a highly known legitimate licsensed bank.  But if you don't feel comfortable with's one better:

    United States High Yield Cd:  5.25% for a jumbo cd for 5 or 7 years.    

  3. Real estate. Ask Donald Trump.

  4. Wait for a year  and you will get good opportunity  to invest in stock. Watch carefully and make enough research on your scrips.

  5. Have you considered foreign currency trading? --

  6. The best place to put your money, now and anytime is in the stock of Frontline Corporation, symbol FRO.  This company pays ~20% in dividends yearly and is the number one shipping company in the world.  No matter what, I bet no one can get you 20%/year on your money with consistently, year in and year out.  I own shares and reinvest the dividends and buy more with every spare investment dollar.  You can't lose with FRO

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