
Real ghost stories or personal ghost/supernatural experiences?

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anyone has one?..if so,start writing...


My house is one of the oldest in the neighborhood,and my father and uncles grew up here,and me too,but they got some of the worst parts,like when a bunch of old ladies of the block used to play lottery next house,in the backyard,and then an unknown werid lady appeared,asking to play,and they just told her they ran out of table,so she left,but they all saw when she just passed through our wall,and the whole bunch went to my grandma's door to ask her if she didnt saw one of like 30 stories i know about the old days here...

my experience:my room is next to a room that leads to the basement,very open everything,and just divided by metal door in my room,and you can listen to the echoes or everything there.So,when i was a lil' kid,in winter (when fans are not necessary) we were able to listen exactly,at 3 o clock am,somebody going upstairs to our room,the wooden stairs that crack in a very aprticular way,and then just suddenly stop...for at 3:15 am start going down.Also,we were able to hear steps or somebody kicking buckets (my father has a ceramic shop in the basement,that also leads to the garage,and it all is his shop and uses buckets to mix materials) or moving chairs and stolls...

Also,once i left a music tape in the stereo that my dad took to the shop downstairs (when it still was used a tape to record songs),and it was already dark,so i went there at the end of the room next to mine,and grabbed it,but suddenly i felt like being watched from the dark (all the room and the others where dark) then when i was trying to go back,i heard somebody coming upstairs RUNNING,it scared the h**l out of me and i tried to run up to my room but i fell down and got hit in the chest,it took me out completely the air of my lungs and was not able to scream while i was hearing the steps coming near to me,but my brother came an helped me up...that was pretty bad one,of like 7 or 8 experiences i have had...

what about you?




  1. ive seen human figure shadows walking around in my back yard, my bed room door opening by it self like last nite. beer bottle falling of the table as soon as i close my eyes trying to take a nap.  food step in the kitchen, kids laughing in the middle of the night down stairs. ive experienced a lot of weird stuff. dont really scare me anymore.

  2. When I was in the second grade I use to live with my father and four other siblings. One night I was being boisterous with my brothers so my father told me to stand against a corner in our pitch black house. He finally sent me off to bed and when I rounded the corner there was a glowing impish thing leaning over one of my brothers. I scream like a toddle with a bruise knee.  

  3. Back around 2001-2002 I was a bartender.  I lived in a small apartment above the bar and had a lot of locals and old timers as neighbors.  There were several of my coworkers up there as well.  Most of the people in the apartments upstairs had reported weird things for years.  Strange shadows/figures....weird smells (like baking cookies) in rooms where the smell didnt belong..etc.  I never had any experiences upstairs, but I did downstairs when I was working.

    I also cleaned the bar after closing for quite a while and would have to stock the coolers.  On a trip to the very back of the lock in freezer I was picking up one of my many loads of bottles to be stocked in the front coolers.  As I turned around with my bottles, I was blocked in by kegs of beer.  Only two were moved, but they are well over 150 lbs a piece and it happened in the blink of an eye (the amount of time it takes to pick up an armful of beer boxes and turn around).  I would have been able to hear someone move them into place, and they didnt move by themselves.

    Not long after that (but on a different day) I was in the ladies bathroom and was putting away cleaning supplies.  One of the toilets flushed very loudly when there was noone in there.  Any other time, there was very little water pressure and it didnt flush like that at all...ever.

    Those are my two experiences.  I also saw two different forms there,  but I could chalk that up to drinking or my eyes playing tricks....the other two things I have no explanation for.  They arent your typical "ghost stories", but they are 100% true.

  4. My family had an experience where this black shadow had appeared shortly after my grandma died. we found out when it was there when my sister had to go to the bathroom but the door was shut and the light was on, my aunt and uncle had just left so it was just me my brother and sister, clearly none of us were in the bathroom, but we thought perhaps my aunt or uncle came in but when she knocked there was no answer and we heard someone going through the cuboard. We thought this was very wierd so my brother looked under the door and it came after him, he screamed like a little girl, but after that we opened the door and nothing was in there but the cuboard showed signs of being gone through. After that we would see it hang obove the bathroom doorway on the wall or in the hallway on a wall, it also went above my bed. One day my mom got tired of it being there so she shouted at it, she said I know your here leave leave or something like that.Clearly she pissed it off because after she said that it came rushing down from the wall and started taking form into like a human form no longer a shadow it scared my mom so bad. My grandma had not fully left she was an orb in her house when we moved in and it was blue or white which meant she was going through the healing process and she would fight it but no matter what it stayed, so my mom started to take salt and pour it in front of the doorways and said a prayer from the bible, it appeared to have left until a day my mom was doing laundry in the basement. We have a drain near our washer so the water from it could go down and it came shooting up the drain and scared the **** out of  my mom, so she poured salt down it and said yet another prayer from the bible, but it stayed in the basment in my uncles work shop. Ever since then i have seen it in the basement watching and till this day im afraid of the basement.

  5. I've been ghost hunting off and on for 2 yrs now. I've had the feeling of being watched by something that didn't feel human and pushed twice. Just last yr. i went to a friends house for a hunt. We placed a quarter on a piece of paper and circled it. That was in the living room. We all went to the bedroom and conducted our business. 30 mins. later we came out, turned the lights on. The quarter had moved out of the circle. We have a voice on recording of someone saying their name and saying get out. We talked to the landlord and found out someone by the name mentioned died there in the same apt.

  6. yea, like you i also have stories for days. i used to live in a house when i was in my early teens and my whole family could hear thngs, it was always more going on at night, sonds of someone coming up the stairs, walking around the upstairs hallway, feelings of being watched, feeling sick to my stomach for no reason, i saw lights in the corner of the ceiling in my room, and actually heard a groaning that didnt sound human(my bf also heard it), my sis got deathly ill and the doctors had no idea why, waking up in the middle of the night and being scared like someone was on the bed. oh man was it bad, we moved and broke the lease just to get outta there. ive also had a lot of other things happen over the years. i believe thats for sure!

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