
Real ghost stories?

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Does anyone have any really good ghost stories.




  1. My mom was in bed and she kicked the cover off herself and couldn't get to sleep so she opened her eyes and the cover was hovering over her Literally she tried to scream and kick her husband but she could'nt move then she  was thinking : im scared please help! or go away !!!, she closed her eyes then she could move.....

    True story!

    p.s. everybody was asleep

  2. i have one.

    when i was getting a drink at night, i saw a ghost that was smiling, it was holding a book from my great great great grandfathers adventures to the legendary seas. as i opened it, i saw pictures that was months old, he experienced nightmares too, but he solved it, one says that dreams are the future, i really don't believed it but my great great great grandfather dreamed that he was in the highest tower and fall down, but months later, it happened but in different way, instead for my great great great grandfather, it was a young boy that was being abused, and fall down at the building with no reason. then my great great great grandfather tell me stories at the legendary seas, then when i opened at the last page i saw my great great great grandfather that was holding a girl's hand but the girl looked like me when i was young. but the ghost that gave me the book was the girl that has the same face as i am. she says that"she really likes my great great great grandfather and she want to keep him safe with her". now i believed that ghost are real but any type of bad or good.

  3. One dark night a Girl was walking along. Her sister left and then suddenly a big wind blew and a Pretty wite house stood in front of her. She walked in and a lady in black said "I have ben wating for you. Take anything you want" The house was full of jewlrey and all and she took what she wanted and said.:You don't want anything back? You just letting me take this? and the lady said:Oh you think so! And she cried a bitter laugh then left. Every night the girl came back untill one day she looked in the mirror and her face was COVRED in scars!!

    She went to the lady and said:Take everything back! Take all my scars away! The lady said its to late. You took what you wanted and EVERYTHING has a price. Now I have everything I want. The girl gave the lady a ring and then the lady Turned ugly and the Girls scars went away

  4. A childhood friend of mine who had cystic fibrosis, took on a dog of ours, when she became really poorly the dog who had previously loved her so much refused to go near her,When she died in hospital one of the nurses claims to have spoken to her in the corridor the day after she had died she had been off for a few shifts and hadnt been told that she died a day before.

    the dog apparently howled outside the church during the funeral.

  5. When I first moved to the city I now reside in, I lived behind a graveyard.  One evening several white orbs were floating around mt house.

  6. My friend and I were messing around near the railroad tracks in Oswego, NY when we were about 15 or so. If anyone on here lives near there, they know the story of the broken lady. Well, it was halloween night. We were messing around, you know. Remember, during this whole thing, we WERENT under the influence of alchohol or drugs. We were throwing rocks, chasing little kids that walked by, ect. All of a sudden, it gets darker than dark. We couldnt see anything but ourselves, the railroad light, and the tracks. We start hearing these awful noises that sounded like ripping flesh. All of a sudden, this old lady comes by. She says to us, "What are you little boys doing down here all alone?" We told her we were just hanging out. "Well, run along then," She says, then walks away. We watched her walk away, and then she FALLS A PART. Then all the pieces faded away. We both ran home as fast as possible, making sure not to tell our parents. They would think we were high, drunk, or be mad we were on the railroad tracks.

    Dr. Dog

  7. I was home alone one day and i was sitting on the couch watching tv and doing my homework when the tv turned off. I was like well that was weird but i didn't really think much of it. So i got up and got the remote off the table and turned it back on. And it made this really weird noise and turned off again. It totally freaked me out (give me a break, i was 11 at the time haha). So i was like okay im going to my room. And as soon as i started walking up the stairs i felt something touch me and i ran up the stairs and locked my door. After like 20 minutes i was like okay enough is enough im just being paranoid, and i was about to leave my room when i saw a shadow from under the door, like someone had walked by. Then it did it again. Then i heard this scratching noise, like a cat or something, only i didn't have any animals. I wa sooo freaked! My mom came home like 20 minutes later and i ran downstairs as soon as i saw her pull up. I told her what happened and there were these weird scratch marks on the bottom of my door. I still get freaked out by that.

    Answer mine?

  8. I don't tell this story very often...

    I was 11 and living with my Mom and my Aunt Lucy (around 1981) in Eastlake, Ohio. I was sitting at the dinner table reading "Beowulf" and eating chili and toast. No one else was in the room (or, importantly, under the table). Anyway, the empty bread plate started rotating and moving towards the edge of the table (about a foot away). Just before it was going to fall off the table I yelled "Mom!" and it stopped. No strings, no magnets...just a yellow, plastic plate.

    Absolutely true story from a skeptic.

    P.S. It's funny; I keep adding details, like that will help me to figure out what happened. It doesn't!

  9. Ghosts are not real

  10. My mom lived in a house in the middle of nowhere with her parents and brother. When my mom was sitting at the dinner table alone. Suddenly the china plates in a cabinet were thrown at the wall and the cat was thrown into the cabinet.

    She'd go to bed at night with her wall glowing and the next morning words in Latin were written on that wall.

    Her mother later found buried documents of the man who lived and died there in the 1800s

    His ghost/demonic spirit lived in the house.

  11. this was when i was a child. My mother, my brother, and i were in the basement watching tv and laughing and all of a sudden my mom heard footsteps up stairs, and stopped us-

    it was quiet and my brother and i heard it too and i was like mommy is that a ghost? And she said don't say that.  

  12. Ok well h**l, I guess I'll tell y'all, but none of you are going to believe it. Here it goes. I grew up in Sellers Alabama. When i was a kid I lived with a ghost called Rosaline. She would pull the covers over my head at night and the usual turn on the lights etc. Here's her story which i researched: Rosaline lived in my home years before and was and old maid, the one thing she always wanted was a child but she couldn't have one. Her Father left her a huge fortune. She adopted a young boy and cared greatly for him. He grew to be a gambler, and not a very good one at that. He was drowning in debt but Rose. refused to help him. Well on March 9th in 1975 he came home drunk. Rose always keep a shotgun on the mantle just in case. In his intoxicated state he had an idea. He unlaoded Rose's gun and loaded his. They had a fight and he drew his handgun, Rose of course reached for hers after trying to fire the weapon and failing she ran from the house. He shot at her but missed hitting a steelwired window. The window still carries the bullet hole. She was pursued though the grounds and finally shot and thrown down the well. When i was a kid every year my family would pay respect to that well. Ok now this the son"s ,Chad was the name, story afterwards. He knew that rose had a habit of burying her money in the house. Under the floor ect. He tore up every floorboard he could. After trying for 2 weeks, he Layed down to sleep in Rose's room. No one knows why but he woke in the night and stood with back to the wall and gun in mouth killed himself. Now when i lived there  this was my parents room and the wood paneling carries a dark stain, not exactly blood but like ink. We have replaced the paneling many times but it comes back.  By the Way this is completely true. But as always someone will say it isn't but i know the truth and that will do for now.

  13. Well, I don't actually believe in ghosts that much, it isn't possible, I don't think. I believe that when you die, that's it. Gone. However, my friend Elsa believes in them strongly, and she told me this a while ago:

    When she was 9 or 10, she was staying in the Isle of Wight with her dad and his pagan, goth girl friend Heather - who claimed to have a ghost in her own home, bearing in mind that the Isle of Wight is supposedly the most haunted place on Earth. Anyway, Heather apparently put a crucifix into a jar and Heather used a Wee-jee board. The ghost who lived in her home had mysteriously lifted the jar into the air, and the jar threw itself at the wall, all by itself, no one touched it. The glass jar smashed and the crucifix lay on the floor.

    Elsa said the ghost was called Charlie, and when she was little, she had been at the bottom of the stairs of Heather's home. Elsa had said "Charlie, open the door, Charlie.." and she said that the door k**b had turned magically and swung open. Spooky.

    Elena said so many stories about Charlie (apparently a good ghost) Another story she told me was that she, her brother, Heather and her dad had been sat in the living room chatting, and the door was right by the lounge, the front door opened into the lounge. Anyway, it was a nice-ish warm day, no wind. And, the front door had swung open and there was a huge gust of wind coming in, blowing paper in the room amout. However, when Heather walked outside, the wind stopped, everything was calm again, as Charlie was her friend.

    When Elsa and Heather researched Charlie, they discovered that it had been a little boy back in Victorian times, a chimney sweeper, who had dies of starvation. Heather had just fallen into tears, the moment she found out. She loved charlie, she felt she had a bond with him no one could have.

    I'll never know if Elsa's stories are true or not, but if it is, then I think it's pretty amazing.




  14. When I was pregnant with my first child I lived in an apartment and 1 day when my man left to work I was sleeping sideways facing the wall not the door and someone whispered something in my ear I mean very close to it.I just froze I couldn't move and didn't want to turn around to see who or what it was I waited like 2 minutes to turned around and nothing was there.Besides that I also used 2 hear a man's voice coming from the ceiling and I lived upstairs.I also used to see black figures like shadows in the corners I have heard that those are like demons and evil.All these things happened 2 me only when I was alone expect for 1 night when me and husband were eating or something when all of sudden the lock from the front door unlocked itself and no one was outside!

  15. me and some mates were messing around inside an old hospital near where i live, and we decided to play hide and seek, what i saw i cannot  forget to this day and i haven't told many people about it because they wouldn't believe me, (except my grandad) i was hiding in an old doorway that leads onto a corridor when i saw what i thought was a trolley or something coming down the darkened corridor toward me, i wasn't that bothered because i thought it was my mates messing around and knew where i was hiding and they must have shoved it from the top of the corridor. but as it came closer to me i could see that it was a female nurse with like an old kind of cap on, but only from the waist up drifting along the floor, she had no legs and her face was kind of bloated and grey. i ran like h**l out of there, and when i told my grandad he said the ghost must've been walking on the old hospital floor which was lower than the later one. i also told him about her face and he said that he remembered a nurse that drowned at a boating lake and thats when i realised her face looked like someone who may have drowned. i never went back there again i tell you that.  

  16. Go to any and all of these websights

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