
Real levatiation???!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i have seen these people meditating and it appears as if they are doing particle levation. is it real or something like criss angel (much respect to him) does?




  1. Its real. Once you can get past the blocks present between your mind and your body (by practicing meditation for example) anything is possible.


    It is fake. At least this one is. However I believe to be real to accomplish. Peace&Love be with you...~M~

  3. Someday I might get past the blocks in my mind which stop me from believing everything that any crackpot chosen at random spouts.

    If that day ever arrives, I will be locked up in a nice padded room somewhere, quite possibly believing that I'm levitating.

    Keep your mind open and someone will soon come along and pour rubbish in it.

  4. It is said the Tibetans can do it. No proof. The spirits told me that we Earthlings are only inhibited by our own minds. That is one reason we can not do alot of things.  

  5. I know of one person that will NEVER do those levitation chants ever again.  They once thought it would be funny at a party!

    With scripted chants they made one of the friends levitate off the table.  When they opened their eyes and saw him floating, it was far too spooky for everyone in the house and needless to say, the party ended immediately.  

  6. think about it this way, if cris angle was real, don't u think our government would be investigating him? as 4 levation  , if any one can do it i think that they would keep to them self's  

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