
Real life Bella & Edward? From Twilight series?

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All of my female friends call me 'Edward' ever since the books came out. I'm no Vampire and I don't strive to be but I can see some resemblance in the overall character. Do you think there are couples out there like Edward & Bella? The kind that are so much in love nothing else matters?

I wait..




  1. Sadly, yes, I believe, actually know, there are other unhealthy relationships like theirs. Poor, sad, unhealthy relationships.

  2. I hope so or else the power of love that most people illustrate is very overrated. I'm one who is in love with love. I would be disappointed extremely if love isn't what everyone believes it to be capable of.  

  3. Well...I believe there are couples like them.

    Of course you would have to subtract the crazy mythical stuff. lol

  4. I definitely think it's possible! :-)

  5. Definitely, there are couples who are utterly obsessed with each other, I guess because their infatuation/lust is so new. If I'm ever in a relationship I want to be independent and have my alone time every now and then. But the intense feelings do wear off in time - just ask any married couple.

  6. Yes, there are couples like Edward and Bella out there; couples so obsessed with each other that they would commit suicide if the other died.

    It's unfortunate that so many Twilighters find that romantic.

  7. I honestly don't know. But there has to be something in the universe that keeps love in an unconditional form. Something that holds it there. And I think that there has to be two people willing, and I mean REALLY willing to love each other and fight any temptation of ruining the love. If anything else though, it makes a good story ; )

  8. i'm sure there is.... i wish that i find someone like that,to love me unamaginably....

  9. No............sorry.I don't believe that such an intense love like that could exist in reality.That's what I like the most about books...........everything is possible in them.I think that we are too selfish to be able sacrifice it all for anyone and if that for some rare,twist thing of the destiny happens the other person doesn't feel the same way you do.It can sounds pessimistic from me but it's just the way it is.Please don't think that I said this  because somebody broke my heart in the just that in my opinion the humans are too complicated to understand something as simple as love is.

  10. no

  11. No.

    There are people out there who love each other in the same way Edward and Bella love each other (aka madly in love, willing to do whatever they need to for that person, blah blah blah), but if they are as dependent on one another as Bella is on Edward, something is SERIOUSLY wrong and the relationship is, to be frank, unhealthy. That level of dependency on ANYONE is frightening and emotionally draining.

    There are people out there obsessed enough with each other that they would probably kill themselves if they didn't have that person. That is also extremely unhealthy.

    Love like theirs exists; relationships like theirs don't. Edward and Bella's relationship is the paragon of unhealthy relationships.

  12. I would hope! I mean that's the kind of love I want to be honest. Where the other person loves me so much that they would die for me. Or if I died they cant live through it so they kill themself to escape the pain and to be with one you love.

    But in truth I don't think love really exists. If it did we all would find it, or we should! We only have one life so its not fair that some get it(if any) and others don't! That is not right! I think people just convince themselves that they love someone so they don't have to think about being alone all their life. It reminds me of a quote I heard once, " Love is like a ghost, some claim they have seen it, few do, most never." Ghosts are not real and same goes for love.

    When(if) I find it, I'll tell you other wise. But don't hold your breath!

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