
Real life SuperHeros?

by  |  earlier

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This may sound like a stupid question, but are there any real life super hero myths or legends that have arose at all? I know theres some law enforcement people that dress up like one and all, but like, is there any like real substantal urban legends or what not about more then one person actually claiming to have seen a real super hero?

I'm positive they are not real but I'm writing an article and Search engines aren't bringing to much up.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.




  1. Well... if you're talking about super heros made from radio-active bugs, and toxic spillings.. then no, sorry. There are people in real life, some who have amazing talents. These people, sometimes are considered 'super'. Flexible, smart, strong, fast... all different things.

  2. Dwight K. Shrute

  3. ummm none tht i know of.....

    srry ^^ but good luck

  4. NOne in new jersey
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