
Real men can get women without spending money on her and not being a jerk. T or F ?

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Real men can get women without spending money on her and not being a jerk. T or F ?




  1. true....  if u lower ur standerds enuf....  even a total loser can evently find a woman desprate enuf to settle for anything....  but if u want a fine looking woman of quality....  u better be able an willing to treat us right....  that means having the bucks an being ready to spend them...

    btw....  an no woman wants a jerk....  not even a desprate 1...

  2. true. nice guys are always good, i personally dont care about material things and i'm not a gold digger.

  3. Define "spending money." An occasional dinner would be nice, but I don't expect constant gifts, flowers, etc. As long as the man is intelligent, has a job, and some manners, then all is good.

  4. True, just as long as he doesn't expect her to spend money on him.  

  5. Twue

  6. True

  7. True, keep your money to yourself, I want a heart.

    And being a jerk? That is sooo alluring. Reallllly want to expose yourself to that kind of thing. I'd rather share a conversation with someone and not stare at "the jerk" and thinking, I don't want to share anything with him, no point, except a great view of me leaving.

  8. True. It would seem like a man doesn't have much personality and looks if he has to use money and be an a*****e to get chicks. Confidence and assertivness can go a long way, without a man havign to be a jerk

  9. false

  10. True....All the times i had a boyfriend they always wanted to spend money on me but each time i wouldnt take it. I dont take money from men because thats how i was raised. To respect men and to find love in a man who will spoil me with kindness  

  11. I'm gonna say True, but I'm not gonna lie, if you take me out I expect you atleast to cover the bill & I'll pay the tip :]

  12. It will be hard, but it can happen

    You should have said REAL men can get a REAL woman

    Cause MANY women nowadays WANT MONEY more than ANYTHING

  13. im not sure. no one wants me. so i dont know what to do.   :(

  14. Totally true..

  15. True.

  16. T

  17. T!

  18. That is true.

        Not all women are after your wallet.

  19. "Real Men" vs. phoney men?

    I would have to agree not being a jerk always helps!

  20. Yes,  kindness and  consideration are currencys that will never to out of style. As corny as it sounds, if a man offered to cook me dinner when I got home from work because I was dog tired, that would impress me more than an expensive gift.

  21. True but he might not be able to keep her.  I've gotten guys I dated gifts and even treated them to fine dining.  It was because I wanted to show them that they mattered to me and that I appreciated them.  I expect the same from them.  I wouldn't think much of a man, however nice he is, who wouldn't want to go to a movie or out to eat because he doesn't want to spend money.  It would make me think that I wasn't worth it.

    If I were dating someone who didn't have much money or who earned less than I do, I would go dutch.

    Keep this in mind.  Even husbands and wives date.  That means money is being spent by someone in the relationship.

    Life would be pretty darn boring if we couldn't share in activities which cost money because someone doesn't want to spend it.  Even going to the zoo requires spending.

  22. The fascination/obsession about women being "gold diggers" is huge here at Yahoo, isn't it!?

    In response to your question: True. I could be amongst the world's richest men, and still be a jerk. Actually, it seems more like the rule than the exception.

  23. True, treat a lady like a lady.  Be interested in what she has to say, and love who she is.  Stick by her side in every situation.  Not a dime has to spent on her for you to catch her eye, and not a dime has to be spent for you to keep her interested.

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