
Real or good acting? area 51 call?

by  |  earlier

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well i am really interested in area 51 and aleins and stuff and i came across this video and well either this guy really is telling the truth and is a scared to death former employee of area 51 or hes a great actor u be the judge tell me what u think




  1. I dont know if the call is real, but if it isnt its somebody trying to let people know their beliefs, personally I agree that the government are controlling the disasters, through chemicals. I believe they melted the ice near canada to make shipments quicker and easier, The world bankers have got a lot to answer for unfortunatly they are powerfull enough not to have to answer.  regards and best wishes Donna

  2. I think that they just test a lot of top secret aircraft there. No UFO nonsense. I don't have any problem with the government keeping things secret there. If it helps keep our top technology under wraps from foreign governments, so be it.

  3. I dont think the guy is acting, I think he really believes what he is saying.  I just dont believe he has ever worked at area 51 or has anything to do with the millitary or government.

  4. I recognize great fear and a panic attack. He could be a really good actor...or really in a lot of fear and panic. Sounds like he knows he's telling things he's not supposed to tell. Even if he's telling the truth...they  probably didn't believe him. I think he wants you to hear the fear and panic in his voice...hoping you'll realize something is seriously going on. Again..he could be acting..but a lot of people having panic attacks out of fear sound this way.Also ..they'll sometimes whisper...trying to get the message out without being heard by the ones they fear. Guess there's no way to know. I'm sure if he was serious...the white coats came after him. Of course, he might have been having hallucinations or on drugs etc. etc. etc.

  5. very good acting

  6. I dont buy it.......I think this is really fake!

  7. I think it's freaky how the whole show was knocked off the air in the middle of the call. I grew up in Los Alamos, New Mexico and have seen enough freaky **** to say it would not surprise me at all if this call was real.

  8. The call could be real (as in the person was telling the truth as he knows/thinks it) and not acted.

    He did say he was let go for medical reasons and he could have been an employee with actual information but talked about his paranoid delusions. Before he started talking about real information maybe the show was interrupted.

    Or perhaps the whole power outage was what was faked by the Art Bell show.

    With no confirming information of any kind it could also have been acting.

    Hard to know without investigation.


  9. My My My looks like someone has yet again spilled the truth....

    There are to many of these yes I believe Area 51 has an alien under captivated

    Or else why would they be guarding it SO much with guns and other things  ????

    This guy seems to a pretty good actor to be you know

    doing all this for attention,

    If he was a former Area 51 employee I believe they sign a contract that if you say anything when you retire or move jobs they have permission to execute you

    So that guy has guts to be saying that, probably why he is running over the country

    I believe that is not an actor

  10. its easily a hoax

    but on the off chance its real, gather up your MAC 10's, uzi's and unregistered ak47's. its going to be a cold day in h**l.

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