
Real psychics! Predict my future! Please...?

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My name is Savannah and I'm 13. I need to know wat's gonna happen to my love life and my social life and anything else you can tell me too. Thanks.




  1. Perhaps you should bring God into your life, instead of sinning and playing around with devination.

    Invite the holy spirit into your life and let that guide you.

  2. Savannah, I predict that you will join 2 clubs when you get into high school next year. (band, soccer, drama, whatever turns you on). You'll put aside 2 hours 3x a week to study. Then you'll find that guys can't resist an intelligent girl who is in the same club that he is.

  3. No real psychic will claim to be able to tell your future and if they can then send me their number.. I have a gift, I do not call it being psychic, I call it the ability to read harts. I can tell you about you and make educated gues on what direction you love life is heading and by what you have stated here I can tell you are heading in the wrong direction. You need to concentrate on the now, not the future. I am sure the last thing you want to hear is that you are to young for boys but you are. Guys are pigs, it is sad to say and maybe I should try to figure out a better way to explain this but young men and teens have raging hormones and only one thing on their mind. Take some time to learn, take some time to bond with your family. This is a very tough time in your life. Allthough every ounce of your soul is telling you it is time for love, romance, etc... It is really time to hone your self controll, learn about your self, self controll. This is what is going to help you define your future and your nature. A mind full of knowldge is nothing without understanding. Understand life, understand people, understand the opposite s*x. If you blind yourself when you are so young will miss what you need the most. Take comfort in your family, friends and loved ones. Take your compulsions into your own hands for now.. There will much time for love later. Please listen to this advice, I PROMISE it will help you later..

  4. i predict that at 13 you are too young to be relying on what psychics say.  yeah, i do believe in them, and i am a bit of one of them myself.  but psychics dont work the way you want them to.  if anyone tells you that your future husband is going to be five foot eleven with brown hair and blue eyes, thats probably a load of c**p.  no one can be that specific.  my guess is you will have a pretty average life.  youll get older, meet a guy, think he is the one, get your heart broken by him, think its all over, date a few random guys, and then find the one.  in regards to your social life, you are about at the time in your life where you will start to find out who your true friends are.  the friends you have now may not be your friends in two years.  someone is going to decide that they want to hang out with a differant crowd, and all heck will break loose.  in that time you will meet new people who will shape the rest of your life.  the kind of friends you really want, those who will stick by you no matter what.  avoid drugs, alcohol, and all that untill you are old enough to deal with the consequences.  but like i said.  dont count on psychics just yet.  none of them are going to be able to predict the name of who you will marry.  i can tell you that you probably havent met him yet.  no one can tell you who your friends will is up to you, psychics provide guidelines, not specifics

  5. I'm sorry, Savannah, but don't trust anybody who tells you they are psychic and can predict your future, and especially if they charge money for it and even if they don't.

    Although we live in a crazy world where we cannot control everything that happens to us, we can do an awful lot to work and plan for our future and make our dreams come true. You can do it too if you want it bad enough and are willing to work hard for your dreams. Don't have faith in psychics. Have faith in yourself.

    Best of luck.

  6. Or go the other way and devote yourself to paganism and satanism. :)

  7. There are no such things as real psychics.

    Best wishes, I'm sure thing will turn out well, if you keep thinking and inquiring!


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