
Realism vs. Impressionism, a lack of inspiration?

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I like to do art sometimes, just occasionally. I mainly use pastels. Anytime I paint/draw anything, I always have to look at something. Everything I paint is realism... Does this mean I am bad at art, because I can't paint impressionism? Do I have to put my feelings into my art?

I always thought that is what art is all about, but I really don't know how to express myself through art, I just like to paint the world how it is.

So am I bad, or do I just lack the inspiration?




  1. There is no hard and fast definition of art, if creating these images in a realistic form and from direct observation is an enjoyable and creative act for you, then that is your art.

    Impressionism was born of a need to make sketches in colour that could then be properly painted in a studio, but some artists were so taken with it that it became an art form in itself.  It is a relatively recent movement and no more or less important than any other.

    If you hold yourself up to such expectations as impressionism, you may as well strive for pre-Raphaelite style or surrealism, perhaps cubism or even - dare I say it - dada.  No, your art should satisfy you, not external measures.

    Find inspiration wherever you need it, be that in the beauty of the real world or otherwise.

  2. Hi,

    I also paint with pastes (soft ones) and oil.

    And like you I like realism and often my work is based on photo or from life. Seldom I paint from imagination.

    To paint from one's imagination requires a creativity that is developed with time and few are the ones who achieve great quality doing so.

    Not everyone can be a Dali, Mark Ryden or Ray Caeser.

    Dali, besides being technically gifted - he was also very good at Realism - what is more impressive is his creativity. may look simple for many people, but we artists know it better,don't we ? :-)

    Afterall we don't see many Monets and Camiles and Cassats around, do we ?

    Kind regards,


  3. Do your own thing.  Impressionism is an expression that was used to describe Monet's use of light on air and water.  It was a particular use of brushwork.  Lighter palette and light touch of tabs of paint.  

    You have your feelings in your art whether you want to are not.  It is you doing it so you are in there.  If you like the finished project then that is all that matters.  Hang it up and look at it for a while and you will see how you can evolve your style.  

  4. There's nothing wrong in painting or drawing the world as it is, or as you see it. It certainly doesn't mean you are bad at art. The important thing is to keep practicing and just enjoy the creative effects of your efforts. You can't really learn how to express yourself through art, it just comes naturally with practice.

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