
Realistic ideas for stupid drivers?

by  |  earlier

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personally i would love it if we could install hoses into cars that shoot out washable paint that people would have to earn to use by having an excellent driving record. but is there really anything we can do besides fines? i'm tired of people who don't use their blinkers, tired of people who stop in the lane next to the turn waiting for the light so they can cut in and hold everyone going straight back, tired of people who cut you off only to go 5 miles an hour, and on the freeway no less. what can we do?




  1. Thats why we just can't shoot them, no matter how dumb they are....they are allowed to be that way!!!! To many people drive these days because its all in the numbers. The amount it cost in license plates ,vehicle stickers, insurance ( no matter how little they have to carry) gas, and everything else we pay in driving.   I thought camera phones and video cameras would solve this problem but I guess we're still on the ground floor with that. Do as little driving as possible , don't drive in rush hour condition, and always stay clear of someone on a cell phone. If you can... call the police the next time someone cuts you off and say " I seen this car hit and run another car" and give them the plate number.

  2. um Tom B are you speaking as the *** who doesn't use blinkers and brakes when the nearest car is a mile down the road?  if you're in a hurry here's a thought, leave earlier not later.  

    to answer your question, fines alone clearly dont work, when was the last time someone got fined for failing to signal know what i mean.  suck as it might.  people who drive 45mph in any of the lanes need to walk.

  3. I have more of a right to be on the road than you do!

    I have to get to places in a hurry and its drivers like you that have NO business and NO right to being on the road that hold me up!

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