
Realistically, does anyone think that we will ever see $2.00 gas again?

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Realistically, does anyone think that we will ever see $2.00 gas again?




  1. No,because we have been paying record prices,stock investors will just keep playing the oil futures.They are now being asked to invest in biodiesel and ethanol companies.So they have already drove those prices up.

  2. In britain we pay around £1.15 a litre (around $3.00) so really i don't know what you're complaining about. We would be celebrating in the streets if we had to pay as little as you do for fuel!

  3. No

  4. No....we'll be lucky to see $3.00 gas again.  

    In England, it's $5-6 per gallon, and in the Middle East, some people are paying $0.29 per gallon.

  5. Ha! Ha! That's the best joke i heard all day!!

  6. hard to say, but unlikely...

  7. Yes...And even lower...In supply and demand, if the demand drops off, the price drops so the production and distribution process can be sustained...The exorbitant price of fuel now is creating a need for alternative fuels and new technologies...These demands will further reduce the need for petroleum based fuel...The industrialized countries of the world are seeing the benefits and advantages of vehicle engines that are more efficient with cleaner emissions ...They're coming!!...What a great time to be alive!!!

  8. Yah, when they start selling it by the liter

  9. yes when the electric motor cars powered by battery come out.. then gas will get as cheap as 25 cents a gallon.. i would say in about 5 yeas.. ok

  10. No, but there is something you can do to stick it to the oil companies and all of the others that are jacking up the price of oil.  STOP DRIVING!  

    I live 18 miles from work and I bike every day that I can.  This saves me at least 2 gallon of gas every day that I ride and I get 2 good work-outs in as well.  I am no athlete, I weigh over 250 and am 6' 3", but I am loosing weight and gaining fitness.  I also ride an old bike that is heavy, but has good components and is dependable.

    If you can't ride all the way to work, drive part of the way and ride the rest.  Another option is to ride to a bus stop and then use mass transit to get you close to work and ride the rest of the way.  If all else fails you can walk for free too.

    We here in the US have gotten way too lazy and dependent on our cars.  We all need to cut back and rethink how we move about.

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