
Reality Check for Obama followers: He cannot just click his fingers ?

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and change the world. He has no experience. Plus everything has to be passed in the Senate so basically McCain will be using the same channels as well.




  1. yes, we can

    *plugs ears with fingers*

    YES, we can!

    YES, WE CAN!

    YES, WE CAN!

    YES, WE CAN!

    YES, WE CAN!

  2. The major challenge facing the US is the economy.  If Obama achieves his stated goal to raise the corporate tax rate (currently the second highest corporate rate in the world) business and jobs will leave the US.  Let's hope if he gets elected he can't just "snap his fingers" and ruin the US economy.

  3. The big difference is who is using the channels for what.

    Obama will be working to help the everyday family cope, and better their lot, and Mccain will be using them to enhance the power and riches of his financially elite friends.

  4. He'll do a d**n site better than Bush ever did....

  5. But he thinks he can and so did his fans. I wish it was so.

  6. If there was a question in there I must have missed it!

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