
Realizing your parents are sexual beings?

by  |  earlier

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Does this bother you at all?

You see, I'm starting to see much more sexuality around the house....from my father. From putting s**y pictures of women on the family computer desktop (which not only bothers me but my mother as well) to pornos being left around and just other things that he does.

A part of me gets a little upset and then another part of me is telling me that....well, he's human! And I'm sure he gets just as disturbed when thinking about me as a sexual being. So I guess it's just a part of growing up?

I'm no longer a teenager anymore, and as immature as this may sound, I can't help but to get a little irritated at the thought of him lusting over women. And I don't exactly know why. So what do you think? Does it bother you to see, or even think, about one of your parents as people with desires? Or could you care less?




  1. well its because you care about your parents and you wouldnt want to think of them as sexual beings ,as they are your parents,just like parents dont like to think of their children having s*x.

    i think its natural and right for you to be concerned about your dad.this is weird ,he shouldnt be leaving p**n and such like around the house in full view.

    a lot of kids might think this means their marriage could,be on the rocks,so its natural you are concerned ,because we want to look up to our elders especially our parents.

    this obviously would upset your mum,just be as supportive as possible to her and i would advise her to talk to him about it,as it is concerning to their marriage and that is their buisiness.

    however i would have a word with your dad about hjim leaving that kind of material around the house,because he shpuld keep that private,tell him its not appropriate and its not normal and you'd appreciate it if he didnt mske you feel uncomfortable by leaving them around.

    it sounds deliberate,hmmm very odd.anyone could find them.

    tell him if he needs to talk ,you will listen and if he needs help ,you will support him.

    these things can lead to nasty sexual addictions or perversions so you have every right to be a bit concerned about your dads behaviour.

    i hope this helps

  2. your dad should't b leaving pornos around,

    Yea we all get over it.  

  3. My parents are horney b******s, but i don't care. Even though my dad will hide it i know when hes checking out women. My mom on the other hand, shes very open which is cool with me. Shes easier to talk to and joke around with when it comes to sexual comments or jokes. Overall we're all human. i'm sure we all feel the same in one way or another. Btw, my parents are divorced and have moved on. Totally different lives.

  4. you probably feel this way out of being protective of your mom.  i look at it as hey, hes just human. but still [ew]

  5. Whatever your parents do behind closed doors should stay that way...after all u got here somehow! LOL. But p**n around the house and s***k desktop pics, no way, that's poor judgment. your mother should realize she is a sexual being too and show your dad what a power tool was made for!  

  6. As a parent of two adult children, I can tell you that our kids know we are in a loving relationship but there is no p**n sitting around the house. I would hate to have the kids think that either one of us "lusted" after anyone else. If I were a kid I can imagine that would be very unsettling. I really feel for you mom. I would be very bothered if my husband did that.  Be glad that your parents still enjoy a physical intimacy. Hide their p**n when they aren't looking. Isn't that what they would do if they found yours? :-)  I don't think you sound immature at all. They ARE your parents, and I would guess you have certain expectations. I thank you for being so candid. It can surely help those of us with grown children.  

  7. There's a big difference in seeing your parents as sexual beings in regards to each other (ie, the horrid childhood tale of "catching" them in the act) and having a parent with an interest in pornography. It's not necessarily a healthy thing. Given that your mother has problems with it, I think it's a sign that something may not be right in the relationship. It's not normal for  people to leave pornography out in the open. It may even be a sign of an addiction. You should try talking to your parents about it (in spite of how awkward that may be), or at least tell your father that it makes you uncomfortable.  

  8. couldnt care less.

    lol i let my parents do whatever they do.

  9. i am the same way, it is kind of creepy. especially as their room is right next to mine. i definitely know how you feel.

  10. Yes. sexuality is very natural in adult life. however i don't think it's ok that they leave porno around the house and hanging nudey pics on a desk, be subtle! thats what matresses were made for.

  11. it made me sick when i realized that my parents have s*x

    it's just so....wrong

    but it's something we all have to accept eventually

  12. yeah thats not right, leaving pornos around. not cool.  

  13. Makes me wonder what the real message is that he's trying to "Leave around". Midlife crisis? Need to feel validated that he's still a man with sexual needs and abilities? Message for your mom? Also, you don't list his age, but sometimes people become more overtly sexual as they age--even in subtle ways, like starting to tell dirty jokes inappropriately, making lewd comments they never would have before, etc. Maybe your mom should talk to him, esp. if it bothers her too.

  14. Could care less!!! It doesn't bother me.

    U can't stop them..... so why so to say "cry over spilled milk". They may not  care who sees the porno because they know that we know they knock boots. Why hide what people already know, but still it can be a little rude and nasty  when a guess comes over(especially with kids).

  15. It actually doesn't bother me at all that my parents are sexual beings.

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