
Really, does just chewing food without swallowing absorb calories?

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...and if this is true, what kind of percentages? Would this not be a great form of weight loss since one is getting the best of both? For instance, chewing on a great steak and spitting it out and swallow your side veggies.




  1. No it doesn't, in fact studies show that it alerts your body that food is about to come, and increases your metabolism, alertness and output. Sugar cane workers were over a long period chewing some of the cane and spitting it out, and they performed about 20% better than those who didn't.

    However, if you do this a lot, and don't work out, such as is the case with for instance diet soda, fooling your body to think it's going to eat, and then it doesn't, you can trigger fat storage.

  2. it is impossible to chew without swallowing a little bit so u are still taking in some calories just not as many as if u swallowed ur food

  3. NO. Don't listen to what people say if they believe you will get calories from it. I did that for a year, and was so concerned with the fact that I would gain weight from it. Really, it just left me about 15 pounds underweight and extremely bloated from all the gas I was swallowing.

  4. Your saliva breaks down starches in your mouth as part of digeston. So yes you do get calories out of your food starches just by chewing them.

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