
Really Bad Breakout, help!?

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Okay so i've been using this face wash for a good two weeks now, & have been noticing really bad zits on my cheeks and chin. What are some good ways to get rid of breakouts?? Does the whole boiling water and putting your face in front of the pot work?




  1. the boiling water and pot thing only opens your pore so you ca nclean it even deep  but you have to make sure you put cold water to close it so dirt and  otherr stuff cant easily enter

    you other thing you could put ice to make the size good down ow toothpaste

    theres no quick way mabye conclear but you have to clean your face

  2. i personally haven't tried the boiling water idea but what helps me is the proactive refining mask. keep it on when you sleep and in the morning take it off and your zits will be less red and big. it won't go away overnight, but over 3 days it is practically gone

    if you don't have the proactive refining mask try using toothpaste. There is an ingredient in it that dries zits up but be careful not to put too much on your skin because it will also dry up your sure youre beautiful even with blemishes. i hope this helps

  3. Clean and Clear really helps me. My brother and I use it and it works great. No ZITS!!!  

    I also have used Clairasil aka walmart brand is Daily Face Wash. It works great to.

    If none of these work try Pro Active. My cousin use to have bad acne and ever since she started using pro active they went away.

  4. well, the neutrogena wave thing works well [[:

  5. The boiling water thing doesn't work. People think that the heat will open up your pores and make it easier for you to wash the dirt out of them, but the truth is that your pores don't just open and close like that. And to get rid of the breakouts...I'd say stop using whatever face wash you're using! It's obviously irritating your skin. You might have sensitive skin. I'd suggest Cetaphil, it's a really mild cleanser. I have kinda the same problem as you. I use the Velocity face wash by Mary Kay and it's helping with my acne but it's giving me all these little itchy bumps. So I'm gonna try Cetaphil out. Hope this helps you out a bit!

  6. well, if you've been using the face wash i would say that that's whats giving you break outs. the boiling water thing only opens your pores, so if you want to get rid of zits, i use oxy. it really works for me :) try the one with the red label, that kills acne bacteria. hope this helps!

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