
Really Bad Diaper Rash ??

by  |  earlier

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My daughter had to be put onto formula 2 days ago ... and yesterday she developed a diaper rash. Today, it is so bad that it looks like her skin is peeling in that area.

Could this be a reaction to her formula??? Any remedies to get rid of this rash??




  1. I took my baby to the doctor for the same thing and he even said Butt Paste works best.  It works Great!!!  Never had another problem.  

  2. butt paste has worked miracles for our careful and keep an eye on it..he had a bad diaper rash one time..come to find out it was a yeast infection..I took him to see his pedi and she gave me some ointment for a yeast infection and it cleared it up in 2 days.

  3. If its a severe rash and looks blistered or such you should take her to your pediatrician for an examination. It could be the formula, it could also just be a coincidence, it could also be caused by the diapers your using. If your unsure and it doesn't go away talk to your physician.

    I used 'desitin' diaper rash ointment on my daughter to get rid of rashes (which was rare) cleared them up within a couple days and corn starch sprinkled on her bottom to prevent them when it looked like a rash was forming, its worked great so far and shes only had 2 rashes.

  4. I swear by Butt Paste

  5. could be from the formula...try switching to soy? my daughter never really had this problem, i let her run around for an hour or so every day or two with no diaper to air out and diaper rash hasn't been an issue...try letting her air out

  6. it could be formula it could be coincidence? if you think its the formula you could change to another brand and see how she goes on that... otherwise take her to the docs if it hasnt cleared up after a couple of days to a week cos it could be thrush? in which they will give you something else to treat ther area... i have tried all sorts of creams etc but got a great tip off the health nurse; you can use vaseline as its a lot thicker than other creams etc which just soak into the nappy... its water proof and will keep bub bum feeling nice lol the only thing that actually cleared up m sons rash was quartesone cream... (sorry bout spelling)

  7. sweet almond oil works wonders for my daughter

    It definitely could be caused by the formula. I know when my daughter started on solids that's when she first got nappy rash.

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