
Really Bad Period Pains?

by  |  earlier

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I get really bad period pains including, sore tummies and very sore back pain and right now i feel like i could just cry because im in that much pain. i get embarrassed easily and i dont want to go to the doctors incase he wants to like look or something, what would happen if i did go to the doctor, or what could i do. also i have a heavy flow and it lasts for more than a week.




  1. Heya,

    A Doctor would not want to look....don't worry.

    As the first person says, they may discuss options such as going on the Pill, which would help stem the flow as well. I did this, but when I came off it for a while, it took 2 years for my periods to regulate and my body to behave like it should (moods, sore b*****s etc.). So now I am kind of grateful for my awful period pains and heavy flow - it means my body is working well.

    Seriously, a hot water bottle and cuddling up with the duvet in bed is the best.......sometimes just feeling sorry for yourself works. I know it seems as if your insides are falling out and that really distracts me in work but your Doctor can provide some pain killers specially for that!

    Alternatively if you are an active person, then gentle exercise such as walking or jogging can ease the tummy and back. Another  option (if you have a partner and are of age), is to have s*x - if you can tolerate the mess! - as this also eases cramps.....

    Good luck :-)

  2. You really should go to a doctor. Ask to see a woman as she will understand. I used to put up with painful periods until i finally went to the doc cos i had enough.

  3. all those symptoms are very normal if u were to go to the doctor they would probably give u an extra strength pain reliever and send u on ur way  

  4. hey hun he would not want to look ,a think what he mite do with your consent is put you on the pill which would control your flow and also stop all the really bad cramping,what i suggest you do is take some painkillers and get sat down with a hot water bottle and loads of chocolate or if your like me get a pizza,hope you feel better soonxxxx

  5. My daughter used to suffer terrible period pains they were so bad she would throw up too. The doctor won't examine you, just explain to them what your problem is and they may either prescribe you mefanamic acid or the pill. My daughter tried mefanamic acid first but they didn't help, you are supposed to take them a couple of days before your period is due and they reduce the blood loss and pain. She didn't get on with them because her periods weren't regular. When she was 14 I took her back to the docs and asked for her to go on the pill, she is now 16 and hardly has any cramps at all.

    Your doctor won't just prescribe pain killers, you don't have to put up with the discomfort and pain, please go you won't look back.

  6. Can you not request to examined by a female doctor?  That what I do when i have "ladies problems".

    You shouldnt suffer the pain.  Call and get seen by someone.

  7. well there is no reason to be embarrassed from when you go to doctor, but anyway it is usual for teenage girls to have pain during there menses

    this pain is two types:

    1. spasmodical : which occur after starting the menstural bleeding.

        this is very normal and no reason to worry about but if the pain intolerable then your doctor can give a medicine for this pain

    2. congestal : which occur before bleeding and ends when bleeding start and this is not normal and indicator for some thing is wrong and you have to go for your doctor.

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