
Really Deep Question? Open minded answers plz.?

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First of all, if our universe is based on logic as it is, any of this right now is impossible...simply impossible. Therefore, I dont get how people can simply say when you die everything goes black and you lose consciousness, when if we by some miracle got here and got a miracle into becoming alive and here, then why cant there be some miracle after this. What im trying to say is, while we think it is, our world isnt 100% based on logic as far as we know, so whos to say there cant be something after this as theres never been 100% logic, were here arent we?




  1. 500 years ago, Europe thought the world was flat. We think we are quite educated today, but compared to what? If you agree that in another 500 years, human beings will be even more educated and evolved etc. then no need to invest too much in our current ability to use logic. Here's something else to think about... do we know enough about our universe to even ask the right questions?

  2. Form a Christian stand point (mine at least)

    It wasn't a miracle that got us here. It was God making someone to love. That would mean that there is definitely is another "miracle" after this life.  

    From an objective point of view I agree with you.

    We are here how can there not be something after life if life happened. We can't say that evolution happened by chance or that an asteroid hit a young earth.

    What made the asteroid hit the earth? What made the asteroid? What made the nebula? How did dust and gas get here? How was pressure and structure created?  How did the universe get where it is?

    Therefore, no our world in not based on 100% logic. It is made on the principles, laws, and facts that God created. We have an amazing place to go when we die and we can either chose to except that amazing place or not.

    I hope you'll make that choice.

  3. Yes your right and science has studied and proven such things as the aura, etc. So there must be something after life here. Also you can experience the spiritual world through astral projection and opening your energy centers (chakras look it up). I have found that spiritual things are real but they are not based on "faith" like the Bible says, or logic like athiests claim they are based on individual experiences. There are plenty reasons for conventional religions to suppress this knowledge but it will come out and in the end the truth shall win. If you are Christian and reading this please see for more information if you dont understand what I am saying.

  4. I think, aside from God, there is logic and chaos.  Chaos might explain some things from the Athiest perspective.  I prefer to think God uses chaos to effect change in a logical universe.

  5. ummm... i personally prefer the theory "anything is possible". it makes life so much easier...

  6. You're going by confirmation bias. You assume that there is no way for life to be possible, and thus assume that there is God, afterlife, etc.

    We work with what we do know, not with what we don't.

  7. We're here cuz we are!  Existance came out of nowhere cuz it did, there doesn't have to be a reason for the start, everyone knows that!

    Logic says: No reason BEFORE a beginning means no reason AFTER an ending.

    That's called COMMON SENSE!

    I'm Atheist!

  8. We get "there" where"?  Where are you planning to go after you die that will by miracle make you alive again?

  9. There isn't anything that is impossible,the only reason is that we do not know or you are not the right person.Miracle is only the most a few.How can you said miracle of the billion population that come and go?Logic is not base not numbers.How can be 100% logic?Then 50% logic is what?

  10. I don't quite understand  your question if you have one.  

  11. your question contains no logic. There is no miracle to life, just sexual reproduction, evolution, and genetics.

  12. Well, "IT" IS, therefore it can not be 'impossible'.  Improbable perhaps, but not 'impossible".

    Rethink your theory to include 'possible'.  Whatever IT is, It certainly IS.

    For all the things that I am not, ( tall, thin, blonde, rich, famous), I AM.  So I am 'possible'.

  13. i like your question but i guess the answer to your question that is satisfactorily should be evidence based or at least something to support the answer and not merely an opinion.


  14. First of all I am a universalist which means I believe in just about every religion.  but for the purpose of your question I will go against you to help in your faith.  faith is not blindless devotion but the total belief you are correct. Now on to your question.

    First of all it is not impossible, it's just improbable. There are some gaps, but that is the limit of our science.  Now on to to concept of logic and improbability.

    Is it possible for a person to rise from the dead, turn water into blood, ect. ect.

    Now as for the difference between impossible and improbable.   The great flood is an improbable event. (water to flood the whole world???), but it happened.  

    lastly logic; can not be used in this debate due to the fact that both sides can easily use logic against the other.

    So if you think about it with an open mind you have to see, improbabilities, impossibilities, logical, or illogical can be used either way.

  15. It didn't take a miracle to get us here... just 13.7 billion-odd years of various natural processes.  Death is also a natural process.

  16. Who said that our world or universe is based on logic?  However there is a great deal of evidence that shows how we came to be and a great lack of evidence that it is a miracle or that life continues after death.

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