
Really!!! Did John McCain truly Vet his VP choice Sarah Palin?

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Wall Street Journal columnist and former Reagan speechwriter Peggy Noonan and former John McCain adviser, Time columnist, and MSNBC contributor Mike Murphy were caught on tape disparaging John McCain's selection of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his Vice Presidential running mate.

I am So on the floor with this..............


Mike Murphy: You know, because I come out of the blue swing state governor world: Engler, Whitman, Tommy Thompson, Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush. I mean, these guys -- this is how you win a Texas race, just run it up. And it's not gonna work. And --

PN: It's over.

MM: Still McCain can give a version of the Lieberman speech to do himself some good.

CT: I also think the Palin pick is insulting to Kay Bailey Hutchinson, too.

PN: Saw Kay this morning.

CT: Yeah, she's never looked comfortable about this --

MM: They're all bummed out.

CT: Yeah, I mean is she really the most qualified woman they could have turned to?

PN: The most qualified? No! I think they went for this -- excuse me-- political bull**** about narratives --

CT: Yeah they went to a narrative.

MM: I totally agree.

PN: Every time the Republicans do that, because that's not where they live and it's not what they're good at, they blow it.

MM: You know what's really the worst thing about it? The greatness of McCain is no cynicism, and this is cynical.

CT: This is cynical, and as you called it, gimmicky.

MM: Yeah.




  1. Yes he did.

    She is a Washington outsider.  She has as much experience as Obama.

    This vicious left attack is going to have a backlash.

    All eyes are no longer on Obama.

    Great choice.

    Go McCain

    Stay out of my wallet Obama

    McCain/Palin 08

  2. I don't know.  She still has my vote.

    Especially if huffingtonpost doesn't like her.

  3. Actually, yes he did. Sorry it doesn't meet with your approval and that he didn't personally clear it with you first.

    McCain/Palin '08

  4. Every serious Republican Analyst is probably going to get Hemroids by this pick and probably have Cancer of the *** after the VP debate(Biden is going to smoke her)

  5. There you go in a nutshell.

  6. Why are you so obsessed with it?  You are a liberal, right?

    You want the Government to pay for your abortions, your rent, food, crack, booze so you can have 10 kids with 10 different men.

    She gets my vote!

  7. Are you doubting Mini Me Bush's word? Shame on you. You really don't think he chose her? Or maybe he did choose her, but didn't know all that is known now? (After all he is THE Republican of the moment, and we all know how smart they are. (would use another word, but I got my hand slapped earlier today for calling the Republican's names)).

    OBAMA IN 08 !!!!!!

  8. She was picked by the Counsel for National Policy, a social conservative group that was founded by a rabid anti-Catholic.  They have probably known her since she made governor.  

  9. Eh, I'm a democrat. But I cannot vote for Obama. Too radical. Listen to what he says. McCain isn't the greatest...if I had to pick I'd put Guiliani in there. But with Palin, he's gonna get my vote. She seals the deal.

  10. wow what a rant, hey Obamabot, why not hear what she has to say before judging her. You are afraid aren't you. you should be!!! I will be watching O'reilly smack down Obama tomorrow night on the factor. oh how sweet it is.

  11. Obviously he did not vet her at all.  Her sister is speaking on CNN right now and knew nothing until she saw it announced on t.v.  If my sister was called upon to be Veep she would have called me right away, unless she herself did not know until the 11th hour.  Think about it!

  12. Ever hear the expression - He bought a pig in a poke?

  13. McCain has horrible judgement, thats why he'd rather spend trillions of dollars a year in Iraq for the next 50 years? Dont you republicans know that if the economy gets better that prices on almost thing will go down?

  14. Senator McCain used the vetting process best for him and he made his choice.  It worked for him.

  15. who cares ? the Ds and Rs are equally corrupt . im voting for true change with Nader .

  16. are libs really this scared of Sarah Palin?

  17. Either vet or veto.  He got a bit confused.

  18. Palin is frankly, a joke. And everyone that pays attention knows it. Die hard republicans are thinking of not even voting, because they cant stand the thought of voting democrat, and cant stand the thought of her.

    She's a disaster. And if those people that think she is as qualified as Obama would do some research, they'd stick their own foot in their mouth and realize she's far from VP or Pres material.

  19. Actually Palin is much more qualified than Barrack Hussein Obama. When she talks about her executive decisions as mayor and governor he can tell everyone how he was a community organizer then.

    Also since Barrack Hussein Obama was first mentioned a year ago I resisted temptation of being nasty to him. I've only been factual. But since Bill Maher called Palin a stewardess, Ms. Quin said she should stay home and take care of her down syndrome kid and all the other hate speech coming from the left, I've decided to take the gloves off.

    Obama as you know is friends with a confessed terrorist. Therefore Obama may have trouble getting security clearance to see things that are classified. That's a problem for a president. So the leftists want a man with no experience and no security clearance to be our commander in chief?

      The Obama Bin Biden Ticket is not the one I'll be pulling the lever for. If the Republicans lose I will proudly say that I voted for McCain and Palin and went down swinging. The only defeated personb is one who gives up fighting and I will fight long after this election no matter how it turns out.

    Did you know that Obama wants it to be legal to kill babies? He voted for a bill that  said if a baby survives an abortion and survives out of the mothers womb the Dr should still be allowed to kill it. Whether you're for abortion or not that's sick!

    Biden where do I start on this guy? He's from Delaware been living there since he was ten. He is trying to say he's from Scranton Pennsylvania because thats where he was born. Could also be that the Dems need Pa to win? So Biden claimed in his acceptance speech that he was a blue collar kid from Scranton. Thats a lie! His family had a five bedroom house. Thats not blue collar especially in 1940. He also lied last February about his wife's death. Reporters are camped out on an elderly womans lawn right now waiting for that story to break.


  20. These 2 are big time Republicans. Wow, I cant wait to see when this leaks out to the press.

  21. Yes he did but remember, the media and Soros is fueling the hate against McCain, the things that have been implied about our vp Sarah is miniscule compared to Osamas Resko, Ayers, Whright, and Farahkan. Then the endorsment by hamas and the bill Osama has on the senate floor that will send 845,000,000,000 dollars to Africa called The Global Poverty Act S.2433.

    C'mon, These things are true and the media doesn't say a flocking thing about it.

  22. yes.

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