
Really Easy But Too Hard (Help Me)?

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Hi , i Have a question , look :

We Have a Box. We Want To Full It Of Water. It Takes 3 Hours. Like This Picture :

Ok After That We Want To Make It Empty Of Water , So We Open The Down Door Of Box. It Takes 2 Hours To Be Empty.

Like This Pic :

How Much Does It Take If We Full It Of Water And Then Without Stoping Falling Water In , We Open The Down Door .

I Mean When It Has Full Water ,, Do These Tow Things Together , Like This Pic :

I Really Need This Answer If You Answer Me You Be Best Answerrr 100% . This is only Thing That I Can Do , By The Way Sorry About My Horrible Language




  1. Every hour you are adding 1/3  (2/6) to the tank. After 3 hours it is full. Then you pull the plug and every hour you are adding 2/6 of the tank with water and letting out 1/2 (3/6) of the tank. so every hour after the first 3 you are loosing 3/6 - 2/6 or 1/6 of the tank. So it would take you 3 hours to fill it and then an additional 6 hours to empty it again or 9 hours in all. Starting with a full tank it would take you 6 hours to empty it. I wasn't clear if you wanted to start the timing with a full tank or an empty one.  Now if you left the water running it would all run straight out and your tank would never fill again until you closed  the bottom door again.

  2. i don't think it will empty out if u keep adding water to the box and if u did stop pouring water into the box then it would take that same 2 hours and mayb a lil more to empty out....but that jus mi hypothesis or opinion...and that is a nice question too.

  3. First you must realize why it is behaving like that.

    The inflow is restricted by friction and the capacity of the pump and source.

    It will therefore most probably have a constant flow.

    The outlet on the other end requires the height above the outlet to overcome friction in the outlet system.

    With the water level dropping the head become less and so the flow rate and the friction.

    With both running there might be a situation where the inlet flow equals the outlet flow with the result that the level will not drop.

    Now regarding your question : without more detail it would be hard to do any meaningful calculation.

    Please give more detail :  Dimensions of box,  size and length of drop pipe.  volume of inflow. etc.

  4. OK this is really boggling my mind, uh 6 HOURS???

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