
Really Flabby Arms...trying to tone them?

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Hello. I have really really fat arms. They are soo flabby and just embarrassing to look at. I've decided that I would like to purchase some (dumbbells) weights but I don't know what sizes I should purchase & what exercises should I do with them? How Long Should I Results?




  1. You want an assortment of sizes so you can switch to a heavier one as you get stronger. You want it to be heavy enough that you can only do 8-10 reps, if you can do more than 10 it's too light.

    Pushups are the answer. Vary the position of your hands to change the targeted muscles. You'll start to feel stronger in a week or two if you work out regularly and challenge yourself. You'll probably see results in a month or so. But, as a previous answers says spot reduction doesn't work. You'll tone the muscles in your arms but if there is a layer of fat on top you won't see the results. This is a big thing if you're trying to get a six pack. However, people don't tend to carry large fat deposits on their bicepts so even if you're overweight you can get some nice looking guns

  2. Toning is a myth. You cannot target fat on certain parts of your body. If you want less flabby arms you need to aim for overall weight loss.

  3. When i started really doing P.E. in school, push ups, and different activity that require a lot of arm workout, it helped me a lot, although when i stopped and started eating what i wanted it kind of just went back to the same but not as bad,

    Oh what about the men, and women that have those perfect biceps,and triceps

    I think the best place to go is the Gym, ask one of the women that are toned.

    Im going to start walking and doing push ups again, Im also a vegetarian and I feel so good ever since the change. Although im 14, and everyone has a different body type.

    I also know my cousin who uses dumbbells, he also plays basketball, Im really not sure. I hope you get the right answer.


  4. If you can afford them then most definitely! Theres a bunch of things you can do with them. You can do push-ups on them, walk with them, bench press them, and just generally lift them. I'm not really sure what sizes you should do but if your consistent and work with them alot then you should be sure to see a tone difference in a good month or two.

  5. You should try to lower your complete body fat percentage, not only arms. You can't choose where you are going to lose weight. My advice to you would be to eat a healthy diet & exercise. Swimming can be great for building muscle in the arm area.

    Good luck.

  6. Are you just looking to tone up your arms?

    If so then purchase some dumbbells that you will max out with at 10 - 12 reps.

    When lifting weights, if you max out on a set with 10 - 12 reps, it will help tone up your arms.

    If you max out at 8 - 10 reps, you will achieve some bulk and size

    Some protein would be good to have in your diet as well.  Make sure you get a good source of protein after your workout, seeing how protein is what builds muscle.

    Your triceps and shoulders are what you're going to want to concentrate on as well, not just your biceps.  Your triceps make up 2/3 of your arm, so make sure you don't ignore them.

    If you have any questions feel free to email or IM

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