
Really Homesick for California and DEPRESSED!?

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I was born and raised in LOS ANGELES California. Everyone knows that place is amazing no need to describe what type of fantastic life and friends I had. Well I still got the friends but not the life anymore. I moved to Texas about 2 years ago. I visit every now and than and when its time to come back to TEXAS I get super depressed! Like since summer is already over I came back from California 3 days ago I was over there for like 2 months! I feel DEPRESSED like I have never felt before! I cant stand this! And I can't keep hurting myself every single time its time to come back to TEXAS. Im 17 still a minor so I can't move back on my own. And even when I turn 18 I still have no idea how I'm gonna move back especially now that LA is expensive to live in!!! I need help Im literally going crazy over here and am feeling really depressed...




  1. I'm sorry you're so depressed. I live in Texas and have relatives in San Diego, and Texas can be pretty depressing this time of year, especially when it's been as hot as it has this year. And it's understandable that you'd miss your friends and such a nice place as southern California.

    Maybe you'll make new friends if you're going to school in the fall. In the meantime, can you talk to your old friends by webcam or play games with them online or IM them, to help you not feel so depressed? You can talk to them on Skype on your computer for free, or on Yahoo or other sites. You probably already know all this, so I hope I haven't depressed you more. The important thing is to communicate with people. And you are wise to reach out to people for advice.

    In the meantime, maybe it would help you feel better to concentrate on the goal of going to and graduating from college--so that you can get a nice job in Los Angeles or near there, if you still want to go back. If you live in or near Dallas, DCCCD (Dallas County Community College District) is a wonderful college with five campuses.There's also CCCCD in Collin County. Both are fairly inexpensive and you might be able to get a grant.

    You sound like a nice person. And fall is around the corner. So at least you can get outside without melting.

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