
Really Sore Legs???

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My legs are Very sore from P.E. they are sore like above my knee to where my leg ends and it hurts bad! it's bad enough i have like 2 flights of stairs to climb everyday! Ouch any suggestions to ease my leg pain????




  1. If you are over weight loose some weight, this will lessen the strain on your muscles and legs especially the knees. if you are doing more exercise at home , maybe you're doing too much and need to slow down a bit. rest with an ice pack on the area and see if that helps. if it doesn't a trip to a Dr may be in order.

  2. take care to drink plenty fluids before during and after sports.

  3. Take a nice warm bath and after than rub on some skin cream! If the pains still continue consult your local doctor and he will tell you the problem and how to sort it out! (You may just have an allergic reaction to something or a rash)
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