
Really Stressed Out Because of bald spot?

by  |  earlier

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I used this drug mart hair dye and it burned my scalp and now there's no hair on the top of my head in a circle kinda thing and i'm 16 and i'm stressing about it. I don't even want to go to school looking like this.

the hair stylist cut my hair and made the back of my hair go in the front kinda like an emo short style but you can still see that i have a bald spot kinda. and It's pissingg me off!!!!!!!

I just want perfect hair. I've been crying about it too.

I need help

& then yesterday i went to my new school to register and the stupid vice princible was all like, are you trying to hide yourself in a hood.

and it just pissed me off so much.




  1. If doesn't appear that the hair will grow back then you need to see a dermatologist. They should be able to help you. For now maybe you can get one of those extensions that you can can cut it to get a better fit. Good luck!

  2. it wont grow back.... sorry.

  3. There's little you can do with that other than color in your scalp with texta. Sorry bad joke.

    The packaging on the hair dye should have said, to "spot test" in case of allergies or reactions to your scalp/hair.

    I never follow instructions written in manuals or booklets. But incases like these, its just pure bad luck isn't it.

    Anyways, if you have a bit of pocket money, or ask mom dad for some hair extensions (its not really a wig) or put your hair in a pony tail, or use alot of hair assortments.


    Kids will definately see that you are hiding your head, just brush them off and pretend your hair looks perfectly fine.

    Hairclips look fabolous ^^ or even go for an extreme look and shave half of your hair. o__O

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